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Bacterial infection or just injury/cataracts?


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I adopted this neon tetra almost a month ago and I've noticed that his eyes are a bit cloudy—just over his pupils, not the entire eye. The appearance of the cloudiness hasn't changed at all over the time I've had him. I've already tried treating with aquarium salt (1tbsp/5gal) and it didn't change anything. I change his water regularly—30% weekly. I have some API Fin & Body Cure (Doxycycline hyclate) on hand in case it is an infection, but I don't want to dose antibiotics unless this actually is something bacterial.

Because I adopted him from an acquaintance, I don't know how old he is. I think at least a year. I also don't know what his behavioral habits were like before I got him. As far as I've seen, he flashes on occasion, but not frequently. He doesn't seem to purposefully rub against anything in his tank either, but maybe he just does it when I'm not looking. The only decor are live plants and an artificial little cave hide.

Water parameters (API liquid test kits):

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrite: 0ppm

Nitrate: 5ppm

pH: 7.2-7.4

GH & KH: 35ppm

(p.s. the little white dot on his adipose fin is just a cyst, not ich or whitespot)



Edited by Seisage
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On 1/11/2024 at 4:42 AM, Colu said:

It doesn't look to bad  what I would do is monitor if it's not getting any worse and it's active and eating ok I wouldn't treat if it starts to get worse then I would treat with the API fin and body cure @Seisage

Great. Thanks Colu! He is active and eating and I haven’t noticed any other symptoms like heavy breathing or anything.

He is by himself currently. I’m setting up a new tank and will be getting more neons in a few weeks. If his condition doesn’t change, would it still be safe to put him with other fish at that point?

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On 1/11/2024 at 7:26 PM, Seisage said:

Great. Thanks Colu! He is active and eating and I haven’t noticed any other symptoms like heavy breathing or anything.

He is by himself currently. I’m setting up a new tank and will be getting more neons in a few weeks. If his condition doesn’t change, would it still be safe to put him with other fish at that point?

As it's only affecting the eye if it doesn't progress in the next couple of weeks I think it would be fine put him with other fish 

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