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Female or Subdominant male wild honey gourami


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So just today I picked this lovely creature up from the LFS. I am ecstatic as I have wanted wild honeys for quite a while now and timing until now had not been quite right. I introduced her to my 20 long, in which I have one male and one female sunset honey gourami.

I have one other male on his own, and previously I had 3 other honeys of assorted sexes, all sunset. I have had extensive issues with sexing. Males are easy to pick out from females, subdominant males, however, aren't quite so easy. The fact that there is so little information on honeys that aren't yellow or sunset makes it even more difficult.




I also have some videos however I am not sure how to attach them.

So far there has not been any extraordinary behavior that sticks out either, aside from at one point I did see the female sunset scare this one off a bit while they were eating. The three of them followed each other around in a line around the tank for a few minutes about an hour after introduction to the tank

Edited by oldgermanowl
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On 12/31/2023 at 2:57 AM, knee said:

I would say female. Here’s a photo I found online



It definitely looks like a female, but I know that subdominant males can look just like that picture too which is why I'm asking 🥲

Honestly it could be young too which makes it even more difficult 😭

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On 12/31/2023 at 5:54 PM, oldgermanowl said:

It definitely looks like a female, but I know that subdominant males can look just like that picture too which is why I'm asking 🥲

Honestly it could be young too which makes it even more difficult 😭

Sub dominant males wouldn’t have the grey like across their body. Usually with them the line starts from the tail and tends to fade as it gets closer to the eye. 

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