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Beginner information recommendations?


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I have a coworker who bought her son a fish tank for Christmas. Luckily she didn't get fish yet because I suggested holding off until things are ready.

I'm trying to put together a list of videos to help cover the absolute basics. So far I have the nitrogen cycle video.

What other videos and/or articles would you share with someone stating at square one?

Edit: Actually... I just remembered the advice center on the aquarium Co-op page. It looks like they have a beginner information section:


Edited by Schuyler
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Too many videos and info can be overwhelming for most people. I would avoid info dump and listing too many videos to watch or too many writings to read. If she is willing to read and learn, that is like already steps ahead compared to many others. Most people don't really wanna dive the fish world in detail, but may prefer just a good looking live decor in their homes and keep it healthy. Majority of us here are a bit nerds about the fish and stuff, so this is an important factor not to forget I think.


I think this video is great and summarizes many stuff well. Especially considering it is also a mom-kid fish tank project, she may relate it more.


Other than this, you may help her to understand the cycling concept, but if you are sure you have disease free tank, I think your help would be the best bet here. Besides sharing some good info and experience, you may give a handful of established media or run the filter she buys in your tank for some time while they do the researching, decorating and shopping. This way, she would still experience testing and slowly stocking, but with a lesser risk of running into ammonia/nitrite spikes and worrying about controlling them constantly, or starting from zero by introducing an ammonia source and constantly reading test results over and over again. Not to mention starting from zero takes much more time and the kid might be hyped about the tank already. It would be a quite delayed gift to have a Christmas gift setup and running for around 4-6 weeks from zero to establish a cycle. The gift would lose its meaning a lil :') 

Edited by Lennie
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MY son and I helped out a 5th Grade class set up an aquarium on two separate occasions. We made a video series each year. It's interesting to look back on now. Even when trying to explain the basics, it is easy to "nerd out" and over-share extra information. But if someone doesn't try to understand the WHY underneath all of the HOW in this hobby, things will fall apart sooner or later for them.

Short Checklist to Explain to your Friend:

(1) Treating Chlorine / Chloramine in tap water. Many people are unaware that tap water often is treated with broad-spectrum anti microbial chemicals that will harm fish.

(2) Facilitating the Nitrogen Cycle. Fish live in their own toilet, and respiration releases toxic ammonia. Healthy bacteria colonies are essential, just as in a human G.I.

(3) "Earth, Wind & Fire" (plus Water) -- learning how to manage parameters: Substrate & Hardscape, Aeration & Flow, Heat, and Water conditions (temp, pH, KH).

(4) Encourage live plants, but understand that their needs. Light, substrate, flow, fertilization . . . plants are wonderful, but can be a lot to grasp at first.

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On 12/29/2023 at 5:41 PM, Schuyler said:

I gave her a big handful of established filter media to hopefully jump start the cycle

That's a great friend there 🥰

Make sure she keeps it wet and does not put it in the filter/tank without dechlorinating 

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