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Electric Blue Acara gender ?

Godzilla 1986

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They can be tricky to sex when young. Best advice: buy 6-7 of them young on the cheap, raise them, and let them pair off.

Here is a video showing one male (electric blue) with two females on each side of this 55 gal. The females get a washed-out, blotchy look (platinum + blue-gray) rather than consistent bright electric blue. Male dorsal and anal fins also _tend_ to grow longer, nearer to the end of the caudal fin. Females tend to grow a bit less. Over a few years, males will grow substantially larger than females. But at the age / size you've shared here, it is hard o say. My initial _guess_ is male. But I've been wrong before!

For perspective, we raised many hundreds of EBAs a few years ago. We almost never sold them as pairs unless a pair actually spawned together. Here's a look at the madness that was the most overstocked EBA tank on the planet...

Here are three photos of a pair. Notice that the female, slightly smaller, has a lighter-colored top of her head -- with what almost looks like a line between her eyes, dividing an upper head (lighter gray) and lower face (darker gray). Also notice that the scales along her back / sides nearing the caudal fin (tail) show gray rather than solid electric blue. Those are several clues to sexing them...

(1) Male lower left / Female upper right


(2) Male left / Female right


(3) Male left / Female right -- notice the black scales on her lower cheek / jaw


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Yeah your right and this has lot of good information thank you!! But I have read about vents being different as well. The female having ‘U’ shaped bigger vent compared to the male having a ‘V’ shaped. I posted the pictures where I saw my EBA’s vent which looks like a male. Is this another way of finding out or it’s hit and miss? 
Here is another image and as per the information you have provided my EBA doesn’t have black scales on the lower jaw or black scales near the caudal fin.

Im planning to keep only 1 as I don’t have a big enough tank for 3 or 6. I wanted my EBA to be a centerpiece fish with 8 Danison barbs. A Male would be good 😁




Edited by Godzilla 1986
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