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Ideas for planted 10 gallon


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My betta died a couple months ago. So I have a planted 10 gallon waiting for some permanent inhabitants. Currently I have a few snails and a couple of male platys I had to separate to slow down the breeding in my platy tank. I'm giving them to my nephew for his  20 gallon community I set up for him. 

I was at my lfs and the guy had a suggestion that sounded good but I'm afraid I may be a bit overstocked if I did it. 6 cherry barbs and 4-5 panda corydoras. I asked him why not pygmy corydoras and he said he's had trouble getting healthy batches and that panda corys are the next smallest and I just won't have as many. Right now I've got a sponge filter and I was thinking I could maybe do a hob for extra filtration but I want one with adjustable flow any suggestions for that too?

I've never kept cherry barbs or panda corys but they seem like they would be a fun combo to have. Would the 6 barbs and 4 to 5 panda corys be too much for a 10 gallon or is this a good reason to justify another larger tank? I'm open to other suggestions as well.

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On 12/7/2023 at 9:51 PM, mtnmonster said:

My betta died a couple months ago. So I have a planted 10 gallon waiting for some permanent inhabitants. Currently I have a few snails and a couple of male platys I had to separate to slow down the breeding in my platy tank. I'm giving them to my nephew for his  20 gallon community I set up for him. 

I was at my lfs and the guy had a suggestion that sounded good but I'm afraid I may be a bit overstocked if I did it. 6 cherry barbs and 4-5 panda corydoras. I asked him why not pygmy corydoras and he said he's had trouble getting healthy batches and that panda corys are the next smallest and I just won't have as many. Right now I've got a sponge filter and I was thinking I could maybe do a hob for extra filtration but I want one with adjustable flow any suggestions for that too?

I've never kept cherry barbs or panda corys but they seem like they would be a fun combo to have. Would the 6 barbs and 4 to 5 panda corys be too much for a 10 gallon or is this a good reason to justify another larger tank? I'm open to other suggestions as well.

Great questions. You'll get a number of opinions online. Here on the CARE Forum, I hope you'd get _reasons_ for opinions. Let me share my views, and give you reasons.

(1) It is doable if: [a] you are a reasonably good aquarist -- keep the aquarium healthy and in balance, do not overfeed, water change regularly, etc. [b] you add even more plants. And then add more. And then just a few more 🪴🌱🌿 [c] add an additional filter -- HOB is fine. I love AquaClear filters. They are adjustable. But a second small sponge filter would also be fine instead.

(2) I rarely use 10-gallon aquariums anymore. a 20-gallon long is a much more satisfying aquarium space. If you're able to afford that, it would make for better digs. Cherry Barbs are lively. A 10 gal. tank would be a bit smaller than optimal. If you want to stick with the 10-gal size, you might consider White Cloud Mountain Minnows as an alternative option, since they probably could manage a bit better in smaller space...





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On 12/7/2023 at 10:28 PM, Fish Folk said:

Great questions. You'll get a number of opinions online. Here on the CARE Forum, I hope you'd get _reasons_ for opinions. Let me share my views, and give you reasons.

(1) It is doable if: [a] you are a reasonably good aquarist -- keep the aquarium healthy and in balance, do not overfeed, water change regularly, etc. [b] you add even more plants. And then add more. And then just a few more 🪴🌱🌿 [c] add an additional filter -- HOB is fine. I love AquaClear filters. They are adjustable. But a second small sponge filter would also be fine instead.

(2) I rarely use 10-gallon aquariums anymore. a 20-gallon long is a much more satisfying aquarium space. If you're able to afford that, it would make for better digs. Cherry Barbs are lively. A 10 gal. tank would be a bit smaller than optimal. If you want to stick with the 10-gal size, you might consider White Cloud Mountain Minnows as an alternative option, since they probably could manage a bit better in smaller space...





I was actually considering white clouds as well. I've been wanting a 20 long, but they seem to be hard to find locally. Maybe I will hold off on the barbs and corys until I get one. This 10 gallon has just grown in so nice I can't bring myself to tear it down and put the plants on another tank so I'm just looking for something to add some activity and a little color. Planted tanks are great but adding a few fish can really boost aesthetics.

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On 12/7/2023 at 10:46 PM, mtnmonster said:

I was actually considering white clouds as well. I've been wanting a 20 long, but they seem to be hard to find locally. Maybe I will hold off on the barbs and corys until I get one. This 10 gallon has just grown in so nice I can't bring myself to tear it down and put the plants on another tank so I'm just looking for something to add some activity and a little color. Planted tanks are great but adding a few fish can really boost aesthetics.

Whether you know it or not, I believe you are looking for a small, non-annual species of Killifish. Perfect for 10-gal tanks. They’re not fish you’re likely to find in a fish store. I breed Fundulopanchax scheeli


But I also highly recommend Aphyosemion striatum


Or the Aphyosemion australe (orange)…


I mean… there are many hundreds of species to consider… just do a single species-only tank.

Killis are the orchids of the aquarium hobby.

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On 12/7/2023 at 10:46 PM, mtnmonster said:

I was actually considering white clouds as well. I've been wanting a 20 long, but they seem to be hard to find locally. Maybe I will hold off on the barbs and corys until I get one. This 10 gallon has just grown in so nice I can't bring myself to tear it down and put the plants on another tank so I'm just looking for something to add some activity and a little color. Planted tanks are great but adding a few fish can really boost aesthetics.

I haven't kept cherry barbs in years so I can't say for sure, but I'd go with your gut first of all. Even if everyone were to tell you it was a good idea, if you are personally not comfortable it'll bug you in the long run. Me, I'd be fine with your numbers from a biological standpoint but am not familiar enough with their activity to comment on footprint.

As for white clouds, I have always liked them. I currently have a group of 13 with some assorted snails in a planted 10 gallon. I have kept them in a number of tanks over the years. Some large and some small. What I can say is that the never act right, for me, in groups of less than 8. That is to say they are timid in smaller groups. In larger groups they don't always stick close together, but they are out and about more. Weaving in and out of leaves and feeding from all levels. Rather than hiding behind the plants or hardscape coming out only to eat. I have never had any issue with them nipping at the snails etc either. 

As someone who had tried and failed a number of times to get a planted tank going, I totally understand not wanting to tear it down and start again! 

As an aside, ember tetras would look good in your 10 gallon too and they are easy to find.


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(Just one more Killi recommendation to consider)

Fundulopanchax amieti…


There’s a secret place here on the forum where some of us dump resources. I remember leaving a Killifish guide there… let me find it… hang on…

Ok, here you go: 

My friend made this introductory video about Killis. It’s not professional video editing, but he’s a great aquarist and scientist…


Edited by Fish Folk
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On 12/7/2023 at 7:46 PM, mtnmonster said:

I'm just looking for something to add some activity and a little color

I'm going to second @Fish Folk's Killifish suggestion.

Your LFS can probably get you some Aphyosemion Australe or Fundulopanchax Gardneri. Both with add a ton of color and plenty of activity.

I have Fundulopanchax Gresensi and they love darting around and swimming between plants:


A well planted 10 gallon will also be enough space for them to breed and for fry to survive.

I've heard that Panda corys can be touchy but I personally haven't kept them.

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