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Discus is losing its color


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Water parameters:

pH: 7

Nitrate: near 0

Amonia: near 0

Temperature: 83 - 84


One of my discus is losing its red color and turning yellowish. The image with green arrow is the before picture. I am noticing low appetite in the discus. I feed them frozen bloodworm and dry worm looking food. The checker discus in the image used to peek on it at beginning but that behavior improved. I change 25% of water every week. I am a novice fish keeper. This is my first aquarium. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



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Colour loss can be caused by a number of things such as poor diet poor water quality stress natural colour change as fish get older disease  I would feed a more varied diet as discus in the wild are detritivores large part of there diet is algae and insects larvae so i would start feeding an algae based pellet or flake food and feed repashy super green gel food as well as the frozen or live  blood worms brine shrimp daphnia black worms I would only feed blood worms twice a week any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food @discus982

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As long as there are not other symptoms, it's likely due to hormone and color enhancing food used by breeders to make their fish look better and grow faster.  You can feed a red enhancing food that might help.  But if it's hormonal treatment, there's really nothing you can do.  It's a good idea to deworm anything you bring into an aquarium.  Discus can be pretty darn touchy in many ways.

How long have you had the tank set up?  And how long have you had the discus?

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