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Used root tabs now water parameters are way off. Help.

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I have a 10 gallon, lightly planted tank with two small fish and two Nerite snails. I put 3 API root tabs in the tank because the plants seemed like they were struggling a bit. The tablets immediately dissolved on contact with the water so I could not bury them and for two days the water was milky/cloudy. The water was clear a few days later (Day 3), but the water parameters are now high. Before the addition of the root tabs water was pH 7.8, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate between 5-10, if it got to 20 I did a water change. After root tabs, pH is still 7.8, but the rest have spiked. After 5, 50% water changes, once a day, I'm still getting ammonia 0.25-0.5, nitrite 0.25-0.5 and nitrate 40-80. Using API Quick Start and Water Treatment for each water change. Today the HOB was loaded with orange/brown algae.

Do I just start over? Is there something I can do to fix the water? What I'm doing isn't changing water parameters, so help please.


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On 11/21/2023 at 2:34 PM, Big Dog Mom said:

The tablets immediately dissolved on contact with the water so I could not bury them and for two days the water was milky/cloudy.

Eesh!  That's unfortunate.  I highly recommend using other brand of tabs if you can, but that's really unexpected.  I prefer the seachem tabs.

The initial cloudiness in the water might be due to bacterial blooming from the contents of the tab causing a spike. The tank has a pretty small bioload and maybe it upset the balance. 

On 11/21/2023 at 2:34 PM, Big Dog Mom said:

After root tabs, pH is still 7.8, but the rest have spiked. After 5, 50% water changes, once a day, I'm still getting ammonia 0.25-0.5, nitrite 0.25-0.5 and nitrate 40-80. Using API Quick Start and Water Treatment for each water change. Today the HOB was loaded with orange/brown algae.

Turn off the filtration for about 20-30 minutes so as many particles as possible can settle to the bottom, then do a good siphon of the substrate.  Change 50-80% of the water and then try to keep the water changes to smaller volumes.  Clean out the filter, and keep an eye on it the next week or two, to make sure that whatever gunk ends up in the pump and the media chamber doesn't cause it to clog and stop flowing as well.  If it does, just turn it off and clean it.  The light brown algae should just easily be removed with a paper towel or with a toothbrush and then doing a water rinse.

After the cleaning, during your normal process of filling the tank you would add in your dechlorinator.  You can do a double dose for instances like this where you want to be sure that ammonia and nitrite are binded and harmless to the tank inhabitants.  After the WC is complete, then add in the bacteria (quick start) again, you can do a double dose and get things going quickly followed by normal doses every 24 hours for 7-14 days.

Finally, let's just verify filtration.  How is it setup, are you using cartridges or do you have foam and ceramic media?


Edited by nabokovfan87
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Marina 15 HOB power filter. Space for 3 cartridges. Replaced one cartridge with a fine mesh bag of Seachem Matrix, and 2 cartridges with TopFin blue/white filter media - looks like quilt batting. When I cleaned the HOB housing today, I did it in a bucket of tank water, rinsed out the Matrix in the bag (to reduce the grossness) and replaced half of the filter media.

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On 11/21/2023 at 2:47 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Turn off the filtration...

Thank you for all your advice. I'm new to fish keeping. The fish were in a 5 gallon tank for 4 years and I bought them a 10 to give them more space to explore. I used the "old" tank water and filter media along with the appropriate treatments to do a fish-in cycle and it's been a joy and a pleasure and so easy... right up until the root tabs.



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On 11/21/2023 at 4:11 PM, Big Dog Mom said:

Marina 15 HOB power filter. Space for 3 cartridges. Replaced one cartridge with a fine mesh bag of Seachem Matrix, and 2 cartridges with TopFin blue/white filter media - looks like quilt batting. When I cleaned the HOB housing today, I did it in a bucket of tank water, rinsed out the Matrix in the bag (to reduce the grossness) and replaced half of the filter media.

You can replace the cartridges with just some filter foam. Aquaclear sells it, Co-op sells it in sheets that might be the right width and you just have to cut it to length.  They have them at the big box stores too. I haven't had hands on one, but @Chick-In-Of-TheSea has one and I believe did that as well.

On 11/21/2023 at 4:19 PM, Big Dog Mom said:

Thank you for all your advice. I'm new to fish keeping. The fish were in a 5 gallon tank for 4 years and I bought them a 10 to give them more space to explore. I used the "old" tank water and filter media along with the appropriate treatments to do a fish-in cycle and it's been a joy and a pleasure and so easy... right up until the root tabs.

It happens!

Welcome to the forums, and we're all here to help out whenever possible.  Good to see new hobbyists (and new members). 🙂

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On 11/21/2023 at 7:47 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Chick-In-Of-TheSea has one and I believe did that as well.

I have a Marina 200 and an s10. The s15 is similar to the s10 in its flow pattern, allowing an extra compartment for capacity. Here’s my current loadout for my s10. I held ACO coarse sponge next to it so you can see the bulk, which is likely not adequate for this filter.


This gap is an intentional contingency, as this filter lacks a proper bypass chute.  


In the event of clogged floss, which can happen quickly in a small filter box, the water will first try to overflow at the intake tube, then will rise within the filter box, creating risk of overflow. This gap circumvents that risk, as I’m not going to be checking my filter everyday. Life gets busy, and I might forget. Lately I run it with the lid off also, so I can keep an eye on things.

Further, these slim filters have slots that are designed to keep media in place. Could you squish a larger sponge past it? Sure. But would the HOB overflow? Probably. 


Closeup of slots

I either use ACO polishing pad:

or Aqua-Flo pond & aquarium filter media. It comes in a big roll which you’ll never think you’ll use, but you will, and you’ll save a bunch of money.


Biomedia is an excellent idea, especially since the s15 has that 3rd compartment. I have not loaded any, as I’m using the s10 as a secondary filter to polish the water. The primary filter is a fine sponge filter. Highly considering going 100% HOB though to free up space in the tank and to have more control over mechanical filtration and media. The shrimps do like to cling to the sponge filter though, so, still deciding what to do. Perhaps just downsize the sponge filter.

I am using a water bottle baffle on the S10 since I have shrimplets that get blown around otherwise. I ordered a proper filter baffle from Etsy, as the water bottle baffle falls off during maintenance.

@Big Dog Mom Matrix is a good choice of biomedia, but if you are looking to grow live plants, you may want to switch to something that will not remove nitrates, which are needed by plants. Here is what I use for a planted tank.


Do weekly testing of nitrates and water change as needed ( >40 ).

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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I have Matrix in a fine mesh bag in the far left compartment. I have the blue/white stuff in the other two compartments, cut to fit. I will switch up the bio media as this whole thing started because I wanted my plants to look better. 

My snails are fans of the coarse sponge on the HOB intake. 

Thank you for your advice. Most welcome.

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