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Six Month Update

John Lee

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Six months ago I converted my salt reef tank to a freshwater aquascape. Things were going pretty well but I could never get the sump and aquarium "balanced" for some reason. I never could get the valve to stay consistent with the water leveling.  Long story short, I decided to pull the sump and replace it with a Fluval 307 canister filter. This has worked out great and provided additional storage space below. The one gotcha is the overflow that was designed to feed the sump. That had to be blocked of to hold the water back. This has been a small challenge but I think I have about got it licked. If I knew then what I know now I would have just removed the overflow chamber and sealed off the three holes at the bottom. Anyway, loving the tank.

Attached you will find photos of the six month growth from start to now.



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