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y0 from sunny San Diego!

Fish and Chip

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Hello fish friends!

Just wanted to make a post and say hi and join the forum community!

My name is Chip and I have a problem. I started about 6 years ago with 2 10 gallons and Quickly added a 40-gallon after seeing Zenzos Chindango Saulosi! Well, now I have close to 40 Tanks and 1k gallons of water under my roof. I am breeding and loving every minute!


I learned just about all from YouTube mainly Cory and Zenzo but as they recommend you check a few sources before ya jump! 


I have colonies of these that are all thriving.

Chindango Saulosi

Neolamprologus Multifasciatus

Neolamprologus Brichardi

Turkana Jewel Cichlid


For other Breeds I have yet to get the colony big enough to my liking.

Tropheus: - Red Rainbow (Kasanga) 

Chipimbi - Duboise (Msawa) Mbuna: 

Chewere Elongatus, Metriaclima 

White Labs


I also keep a 75g community tank of Khuli loaches, Otocinclus (they just had fry to my surprise), Electric blue ram, 7 Congo tetras, 10 or so Harlequin rasboras 

As well I also have a 100g with Berry my albino Oscar and his pal Earl the Fire Eel


All my pics are on my PC that just died but will see if I can add some from the phone.

Thanks, Chip!


Edited by Fish and Chip
sounded like a sale pitch
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