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Angels, do they get lonely?


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So, my favorite fish for a while now has been a black angelfish I have nicknamed Blackie, it has started eating less. Its fins aren't clamped up, has no visible signs of stress or disease or parasites. All I can see is that it goes to the sides of the aquarium and swims back n forth looking at itself in the reflection. Then when I approach it comes to the glass to say hey and then goes back to either side of the tank looking. I have created a new tank for it, a waterbox 40 gal. My plan is to put it there once its set up and get another one to hopefully pair up even though I am not sure what the sex is as I understand sexing angels really only is capable at spawning time. 

Could it be lonely and now as its mature, looking for a partner? I know cichlids like to pair up. Just curious thoughts. I love the fish and would hate something as simple as this to cause it to spiral downwards. 

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Hello Shadow,

Im not that experienced with angels, but I think you may be right. I think angels are social enough. I started with very small 5 platinums but 4 didnt make the QT. When I visited LFS, I also saw they had deaths in the platinum angel tank later on. So I think it was the batch. bcoz other 6 angelfish tank were perfectly fine.

Then, I got a friend to it, a blackveil. 

They were constantly schooling as juveniles before I sadly lost the other platinum juveniles. But I think the remaining one and his friend, Wednesday the blackveil, enjoys each others friendship from time to time.

I personally wouldn't keep an angelfish alone. If you have a chance, and potential backup plan if it fails (which I know you do as you have many big tanks), I would get him a friend!

Edited by Lennie
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On 11/12/2023 at 11:02 AM, Lennie said:

Hello Shadow,

Im not that experienced with angels, but I think you may be right. I think angels are social enough. I started with very small 5 platinums but 4 didnt make the QT. When I visited LFS, I also saw they had deaths in the platinum angel tank later on. So I think it was the batch. bcoz other 6 angelfish tank were perfectly fine.

Then, I got a friend to it, a blackveil. 

They were constantly schooling as juveniles before I sadly lost the other platinum juveniles. But I think the remaining one and his friend, Wednesday the blackveil, enjoys each others friendship from time to time.

I personally wouldn't keep an angelfish alone. If you have a chance, and potential backup plan if it fails (which I know you do as you have many big tanks), I would get him a friend!

Thanks Lennie! Yea I just started the set up of my new fancy purchase, a 40 gal Waterbox Eden 40. Its got substrate and hardscape in it, but waiting on plants then going to get it filled and cycling. This will be Blackie's new home. 🙂 I plan to get another Black Veil after I introduce Blackie in. Will keep my plecos in there as well as some tetras of some sort I am thinking or my Odessa Barbs or both. 

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