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Molly bloating


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Someone help 

My white molly has become extremely bloated suddenly 

It use to behave a little odd at first , it used to be very inactive and sit quietly on the substrate near a plant. So one fine day I took it out and treated it with Methylene blue for a few hours and then put it back 

Then suddenly a few days later.....I see it more active than before but its belly had bloated to such an extent that I could literally see through the fish's stomach so I immediately took it out and put it in a floating tank in my main tank added epsom salt and Methylene blue but I didn't notice any improvement.............

I don't know what to do someone help


On 11/10/2023 at 11:13 PM, Nathans said:

Someone help 

My white molly has become extremely bloated suddenly 

It use to behave a little odd at first , it used to be very inactive and sit quietly on the substrate near a plant. So one fine day I took it out and treated it with Methylene blue for a few hours and then put it back 

Then suddenly a few days later.....I see it more active than before but its belly had bloated to such an extent that I could literally see through the fish's stomach so I immediately took it out and put it in a floating tank in my main tank added epsom salt and Methylene blue but I didn't notice any improvement.............

I don't know what to do someone help


One more thing the fish became a little active after the first time of treating and then again became very very inactive........I almost thought it had died...........

The very next day it was puffed like as of some one blew it up like a balloon or something........as i said before light literally passes through it.....

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first I would check your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature just to make sure nothing off that doesn't look good if you have a quarantine tank I would move her to that and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce any possible fluid buildup causing the bloating and treat with a combination of maracyn2 and metroplex in food and add an extra air stone during treatment more than likely dropsy that can be caused by a number of things such as organ failure internal bacterial infections parasitic infections causing bloating the treatment I recommended is the most effective treatment I have used for  symptoms associated with dropsy @Nathans



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