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Sick Cory (I think)


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I started noticing this Cory acting strange a couple of days ago - leaning against plants or barely moving. Several times, I thought he had died. I put him in an isolation tank. I can't see anything visibly wrong though. I started treating this morning with ParaCleanse. When I got home from work, he seemed to be doing much better - more energetic and grazing on plants. At around 13 seconds, you can see his underside. I don't have anything to compare it to, so I can't tell if there's anything out of the ordinary.

His usual tankmates are Amano shrimp, Neocaridina, a couple of Nerite snails and one Bristlenose Pleco - all doing very well.

0 Ammonia

0 Nitrites

10 Nitrates

pH 7.5

GH 11

KH 3-4

Temp. 72 degrees



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He does look a bit thin.  

I'd stay the course with the ParaCleanse making sure to do good substrate cleaning.  If that turns him around, I would (personally) treat the whole tank.  I'm of the mindset that you can not eliminate internal parasites, but that some fish just get weak and cannot overcome the load.  If you put him back in the main tank, it might just end up being overloaded again.  Is he eating anything?

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Thank you - I've seen him grazing on leaves. I dropped a small piece of blanched spinach in the tank but he hasn't touched it. He's doing a lot of head stands. I've seen other Corys doing the same thing - completely perpendicular to the substrate with the barbels just barely touching. They'll stay that way very still and then they're on the move again. So I don't know if it's an indication of something wrong with this guy or he's just doing weird Cory things. I think that's good advice about treating the main tank. ParaCleanse is supposedly safe for inverts, I hope.

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On 11/8/2023 at 5:17 PM, Monkeypoint said:

His usual tankmates are Amano shrimp, Neocaridina, a couple of Nerite snails and one Bristlenose Pleco - all doing very well.

Yeah, I'm right there with you. The fish looks a little small or a little bit hungry. I would start by trying to make sure the fish is eating well and then from there go into increasing oxygenation. Everything in that tank likes a good amount of air bubbles / surface agitation so feel free to add an air stone and then just see if that helps the fish to perk up and have a little bit more strength and stamina.

After paracleanse is done (which is usually ~4 treatments) then I would also follow up with expel P treatments. Because it's a neo shrimp tank, I would separate these out and give some rest time. Basically, don't try to do them both in one week.

Expel-P, which is levamisole, is light sensitive, so when you treat it you'll want to have the lights out and cover the tank for 24 hours.

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On 11/10/2023 at 8:21 AM, Monkeypoint said:

It’s 2 doses followed by a 25% WC on Day IV. I’m going to leave him in the QT tank for now so I can keep an eye on him and then treat the main tank before putting him back.

Correct, but.... You want to give eggs of the parasites time to hatch and then do another round of treatment. Usually it's ~3-4 courses of meds.  It's to make sure that you are as certain as possible the fish is clear of internal and external parasitic issues.


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On 11/10/2023 at 2:19 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

It's to make sure that you are as certain as possible the fish is clear of internal and external parasitic issues.

Ah, gotcha! Will do. 

On 11/10/2023 at 2:19 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Usually it's ~3-4 courses of meds. 

I meant to ask: do I do the rounds of ParaCleanse treatment back to back? So if day 5 is 25% WC then the following day, I begin the second course? 


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On 11/10/2023 at 1:40 PM, Monkeypoint said:

I meant to ask: do I do the rounds of ParaCleanse treatment back to back? So if day 5 is 25% WC then the following day, I begin the second course? 

No, you would want to wait 7 days between treatments.

You can run carbon in that week as well to remove any residual meds.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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Thanks. He put up a good fight.


Do you think I should still treat the main tank? There's an albino Bristelnose Pleco,  Ember tetras, Amano shrimp and Neocaridina shrimp, and a couple of Nerite snails - all seem to be doing fine. They've very active - especially the shrimp.

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