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Algae identification help

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Hi all.

This is in a new tank. 5.5 gallon with a 12inch Co-op light. The light has been running at 100% for around 8hrs a day.  I put in root tabs when I received the plants and 1 pump of easy green 2 days later. I noticed the algae starting yesterday.

Received the plants for Aquarium Co-op about 10 days ago. Received my 12inch co-op light 7 days ago.


Any help in identifying the algae picture here and bet way to fight it would be appreciated.

I did add a dose of Excel today.





Edited by Rewcolee1
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That could be staghorn, which I've had many battles with. In my experience it is very fast to uptake excess nutrients - new plants need to establish themselves before they really start uptaking nutrients so maybe you OD'd. Staghorn also loves lots of light. I don't have the coop light, but I would dial the brightness down quite a bit. Carbon-based algicides like Easy Carbon and Excel make pretty quick work of staghorn until you get the tank dialed in, especially if you spot treat. Once it's dead your cleanup crew might eat it. 

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