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Pufferfish & Discus


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Hello Everyone, 


Im looking for advice or just general conversation on the topic of adding a spotted cong pufferfish (tetraodon schoutedeni) to a discus community!

Current stock list is (12) 4-5 inch discus, (40) cardinal tetras, (10) shultzi corydoras,  (6) golden denison barbs, and (1) 12 inch ellipsifer eel.

Planted 180 gallon with plenty of filtration and a strict waterchange regiment, not worried about care level at all or diet requirements,  more so concerned with temperature acclimation and if my discus will end with bite sized holes in them!

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Yep but from the research ive done and information that is available without talking to someone with first hand experience,  seems there is no puffer aggression or fin nipping or messy attacks , even with less expensive dither fish , they seem to pay no attention and do their own thing, so im very optimistic,  if i find 1 or 3 available i think im going to jump on the opportunity 

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I don’t think there will be compatibility issues. Water cleanliness will be the biggest issue. Discus like very clean stable water parameters and puffers are very messy eaters.


Even with 180 gallons and plants I think it might be not worth the attempt for the sake of constant water upkeep. You will also have to keep the puffer entertained. When intelligent animals get bored they wreak havoc on the tank regardless of temperament.


Personally I would do one or the other, the tank just sounds very time consuming.

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I like being involved and kinda cant keep my hands dry regardless,  im pretty committed to a 50-70% water change every 2 - 3 days  , water quality i dont see being an issue , main concern is like you said getting aggressive,  i do have bladder snails to keep him entertained but i know theres a time limit on that as well

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