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Hi guys! I am so excited to be on here, I love aquarium co-op and all they do! I have been to other aquarium forms and they weren’t super helpful so I’m hoping I can get some better feedback here.

I have a corydora who has been very lethargic for the past 2 weeks, and pale. He was super skinny but he looked better near the end of last week, but it led me to believe he is suffering with wasting disease. He is still very lethargic, with clamped fins and he is pale. So I ordered levamisole and I have been using it for two days, and I haven’t seen improvement. He still has the will to eat but is very lethargic and doesn’t have the energy to compete with my other corydoras catfish who are perfectly fine.

I have one main problem and that is my hang on the back filter. All it has in there is an activated carbon package so I can’t take it out or the cycle will crash. I have never changed it since I know not to change it, and because of this problem I realize my meds are probably getting cleaned out before they help my fish, and I am definitely going to switch to a sponge filter soon because of this problem. 
I have a 20 gallon, my parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate, 78° F. My tank has been up for about a year and I have seen nitrate once, so it’s cycled I believe, just wonky. My tank isn’t planted except for some anubias so that could be the culprit of my low nitrate? My ph is relatively low, 6.4, which could be the issue…? My next idea was to get some general cure and try that out, or take out the filter media and put it in a bucket of dirty tank water for a few hours while the meds absorb in the fish, or soak the food in disolved levamisole? but I’m not sure what to do next. 



Edited by TheChunkyFish
Forgot temperature and picture
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On 10/10/2023 at 5:17 PM, TheChunkyFish said:

Hi guys! I am so excited to be on here, I love aquarium co-op and all they do! I have been to other aquarium forms and they weren’t super helpful so I’m hoping I can get some better feedback here.

I have a corydora who has been very lethargic for the past 2 weeks, and pale. He was super skinny but he looked better near the end of last week, but it led me to believe he is suffering with wasting disease. He is still very lethargic, with clamped fins and he is pale. So I ordered levamisole and I have been using it for two days, and I haven’t seen improvement. He still has the will to eat but is very lethargic and doesn’t have the energy to compete with my other corydoras catfish who are perfectly fine.

I have one main problem and that is my hang on the back filter. All it has in there is an activated carbon package so I can’t take it out or the cycle will crash. I have never changed it since I know not to change it, and because of this problem I realize my meds are probably getting cleaned out before they help my fish, and I am definitely going to switch to a sponge filter soon because of this problem. 
I have a 20 gallon, my parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate, 78° F. My tank has been up for about a year and I have seen nitrate once, so it’s cycled I believe, just wonky. My tank isn’t planted except for some anubias so that could be the culprit of my low nitrate? My ph is relatively low, 6.4, which could be the issue…? My next idea was to get some general cure and try that out, or take out the filter media and put it in a bucket of dirty tank water for a few hours while the meds absorb in the fish, or soak the food in disolved levamisole? but I’m not sure what to do next. 



Active carbon will remove any medication you add to the tank so it's of no benefit using medication with active carbon in the tank so I would remove it and replace it with filter sponge it won't disrupt your cycle active carbon isn't of much benefit to your benefial bacterial  most of your  benefial bacterial is found on the substrate hardscrape and other surface's in the tank what I would do is remove the carbon and treat with levamisole once a week for 3 weeks and do a course of maracyn just in case there's a bacterial component you can add crushed coral to your tank that will help raise your KH and pH typically you you need one pound of crushed coral for 10 gallons 

Edited by Colu
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On 10/10/2023 at 8:13 PM, TheChunkyFish said:

Ok I can do that thank you! As for filter sponge do you mean like an aqua clear sponge because I have that. I’m still worried that the tank will crash though. Do I feed less to compensate for the bacteria that was removed?

Which ever sponge fits your filter I don't have any experience with hob filters I would feed once a day during treatment and add an extra air stone  I would just test more frequently during treatment 

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Today he looks a little more colored up but still not moving very much, very stressed still. But does anyone know what this is near the base of the dorsal fin of a different cory? It looks like it went away on one side after a water change so maybe a fungus?

Also I have a question about maracyn, will it affect my aquarium cycle negatively? There’s a lot of mixed input online. 



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It's difficult to tell  what's going on off with your other Cory off your picture maracyn is antibiotic treatment which can affect your cycle in a well established tank it rarely has any effect on your benefial bacterial I would just monitor your water parameters more closely during treatment @TheChunkyFish @Colu

Edited by Colu
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Yeah it’s hard to get a picture of it, it’s sorta a little lump but it went away on one side after a water change, so I don’t think it’s a tumor. The cory seems unaffected by this thing on it, hence it’s so hard to take a good picture of it. 
And thank you I’ll keep it in mind, I’ll just test regularly. Should I start with a small dosing of maracyn just in case?

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On 10/11/2023 at 8:32 PM, TheChunkyFish said:

Yeah it’s hard to get a picture of it, it’s sorta a little lump but it went away on one side after a water change, so I don’t think it’s a tumor. The cory seems unaffected by this thing on it, hence it’s so hard to take a good picture of it. 
And thank you I’ll keep it in mind, I’ll just test regularly. Should I start with a small dosing of maracyn just in case?

I would dose following instructions on the box under dosing will making the medication less effective and can contribute to antibiotic resistance the maracyn might resolve the issue on your other Cory 

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An update should probably be the next day but I’m not confident that this guy will make it. When he does move, it’s a weird mix of him going on his side then getting back up, like a balance problem or maybe shimmying. I’m not sure what this is but I’m really hoping my other fish don’t get this.  It’s weird, his only real symptoms are lethargic and pale. And the weird movement, plus I recently noticed his breathing is faster than the other corys. After the water change the ph went up to 6.6 so I’m not sure it’s the ph causing these issues…

Any thoughts or do I wait it out see what happens? 

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On 10/12/2023 at 12:42 AM, TheChunkyFish said:

An update should probably be the next day but I’m not confident that this guy will make it. When he does move, it’s a weird mix of him going on his side then getting back up, like a balance problem or maybe shimmying. I’m not sure what this is but I’m really hoping my other fish don’t get this.  It’s weird, his only real symptoms are lethargic and pale. And the weird movement, plus I recently noticed his breathing is faster than the other corys. After the water change the ph went up to 6.6 so I’m not sure it’s the ph causing these issues…

Any thoughts or do I wait it out see what happens? 

Swings in the pH caused low KH can stress weaken fish adding crushed coral will help you to keep a stable pH by raising your KH what I would do is add small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes keep treating with maracyn at this point you just need to give the medication a chance to work he might be to weak to recover even with treatment 

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On 10/12/2023 at 1:01 AM, TheChunkyFish said:

If I add salt do I take out the anubias in the tank?

Anubias is fine with salt at that level I have used 1 table spoon for 5 gallons with no issues to my anubias in the past

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He did indeed pass away this evening. My main priority now is to keep the others healthy. While examining his body it looks like his belly was slightly sunken in but he was pretty thin on his sides. And under one of his fins is a bright red dot, I’m not sure if you want pictures?

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On 10/12/2023 at 4:02 AM, TheChunkyFish said:

He did indeed pass away this evening. My main priority now is to keep the others healthy. While examining his body it looks like his belly was slightly sunken in but he was pretty thin on his sides. And under one of his fins is a bright red dot, I’m not sure if you want pictures?

Could be wasting disease that why I also recommended treating with levamisole once a week for 3 weeks I would water change out maracyn and start treating with expel p 

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Everyone is looking good, I think. Everyone in the tank is active and eating good, but they seem to be a little stressed. After I took out the carbon cartridge my flow on my filter increased a ton and it seems to be stressing the corys out a bit. I believe this is the cause of the stress and I hope they are not stressed because they are sick. I think I’ll buy a sponge filter today to help eliminate that stress factor. 

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