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New 5 Gallon Tank set up

Cindy L

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Hi I am new to this 

And need some help. I just started up new 5 gallon planted tank 12 days ago. I changed 1/3 of water, now my water is slightly cloudy with an increase of nitrates, test strip shows 50, was 0 prior to water change,  what do I need to do? Should I have cleaned during cycling? Thank you


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Hi Cindy, welcome to the forum. Question: How are you starting this tank? Did you add someone else's used media? Bottled bacteria? Ammonia method? Also, post a pic of the tank if you can. 

Without that info my guess is what you might have is a bacterial bloom. This is NOT uncommon in new tanks and if you have no inhabitants I would leave it be until it clears- as changing water often exacerbates the issue. 

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I used one bag of bio active gravel, plus added fritzzyme live nitrifying bacteria intially. I weekly add easy green and use fritz completewater conditioner when adding water. I planted tank on the 10 th, added a small amount of water that evaporated. Yesterday, I cleaned tank taking out 1/3 of water. That’s when the cloudiness and increased nitrate occured, it is sublte. Trying to send pic. Thank you!


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From the sounds of your start method it's likely bacteria bloom. I would leave it as long as you have no fish in there. It's only a potential danger when that's the case. The bacteria will settle if you let it and water will clear. Generally you don't have to do water changes when cycling. You're just waiting for ammonia to show, then nitrite, then nitrate. When the first two are 0 and you have some Nitrate you're ready to go! 

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