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Identifying dieses on Cardinal tetras


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Hello, trying to identifying what is going on with my Cardinal tetras. I have had them for almost about a year and suddenly a couple of them started showing signs of what I think to be fungus. I have noticed white looking spots with ulcers on the outside of the fish and maybe 2  out of 30 cardinals in my 75 gallon. Is this a fungus or bacteria infection? Should I treat with 5 days of maracyn + Ich x? Any help is appreciated. 

  • pH = 7.6
  • Nitrates = 0-5 depending on feeding
  • Nitrite =  0
  • Ammonia  = 0
  • Water Temperature 85 deg F




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On 9/21/2023 at 2:54 PM, mdd1986 said:

Thank you for the advice. do you know if Cardinals are susceptible to neon tera disease? I Couldn't really find much discussion about it in cardinal tetras doing some searching. 

Yes cardinal tetra can get neon tetra disease 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/3/2023 at 9:05 PM, mdd1986 said:

Sadly it does appear to be Neon Tetra Disease. I have not noticed any improvement from Erythromycin treatment a full 7 days. 

What is the protocol for something like this to prevent it from wiping out my tank?

Neon tetra disease is caused by fish eating dead fish that have died in the tank and ingest to many pleistophora for there immune system to handle it can infect angelfish danios barbs guppies goldfish and other species of tetras it can remain dormont for upto a year it only when a period of stress  weaken there immune system that you start to see symptoms what I would do is quarantine any fish showing symptoms so they don't die in the tank I would be very careful to avoid cross contamination by not moving fish to other tanks keep separate nets and equipment to avoid any potential issues if you have other tanks I would also add some aquarium salt to the quarantine tank 1 table spoon for 2  gallons to aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes if they go rapidly down hill and you think there suffering then I would humanely euthanize them with clove oil 



Edited by Colu
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