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Betta Woes


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Several months ago I had struggles with my betta Storm. He eventually passed. 2 weeks ago I replaced him with a new petsmart betta cup betta. It wasn't healthy from the start. I remember waking up the first morning to check if he was still alive. He eventually started to improve, then declined and passed 12 days after I got him. Other than the already worrying health when I first got him, I had also noticed some bubbles in the tank. I tested and there's no ammonia. I did a water change in case it was soap but the bubbles didn't return so I assumed it was a bubble nest. 

Since petsmart has a 14 day policy, I got a new one. I've now had this one for almost 2 days. When I first brought it home I did notice some brown discoloration under his chin. Today I noticed he was laying on the substrate breathing heavily. I then noticed there is bubbles in the tank again. I also noticed his eyes are bulging. I also don't think he's eaten since I got him. 

Breathing heavily on substrate:


This one shows the brown discoloration on the chin:



Eyes bulging:


Another video doesn't hurt:






Edited by Cinnebuns
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On 9/20/2023 at 9:32 PM, Colu said:

Could be a bubble nest as your as no ammonia if you have zero nitrites @Cinnebuns then I think it would be worthwhile doing a course of kanaplex just in case there's a bacterial component I would also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties 


Yes no nitrites. I forgot to add that I had put aquarium salt in at 1 TBSP per 2 gallons for the previous betta. I did do a 30% water change before introducing this betta so it's less salt but still some in there. I had IAL in before but had taken it out. I'll add it again. 

Also forgot to add I've been running carbon just in case the bubbles are something that idk what. 

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On 9/21/2023 at 3:39 AM, Cinnebuns said:

Yes no nitrites. I forgot to add that I had put aquarium salt in at 1 TBSP per 2 gallons for the previous betta. I did do a 30% water change before introducing this betta so it's less salt but still some in there. I had IAL in before but had taken it out. I'll add it again. 

Leave a low dose of salt in there 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes 

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