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Otocinclus feeding


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My Otis arrived within 12 hours. All were healthy and went straight to the glass. They don’t seem to like the algae on the glass. Not Spotted Green  Algae. Just Green and Diatoms on the plant leaves.
Sarted feeding them Zucchini and Repashy Soilent Grean.
I took a piece of zucchini, cut a hole in the middle, put a cube of repashy soilent green in the hole, and clipped it to the glass. They love it!!!

Should I remove the algae off the glass now?  
What else can I feed them, they can’t eat this everyday!
I can stick Algae Wafers to the glass and see if they will eat it!

Also, when should I do a water change with them? Had them for 5 days now! Last change (50%) was 5 days ago and parameters were good.

Thanks for all your help!

On 9/17/2023 at 2:12 PM, Cincala said:

My Otis arrived within 12 hours. All were healthy and went straight to the glass. They don’t seem to like the algae on the glass. Not Spotted Green  Algae. Just Green and Diatoms on the plant leaves.
Sarted feeding them Zucchini and Repashy Soilent Grean.
I took a piece of zucchini, cut a hole in the middle, put a cube of repashy soilent green in the hole, and clipped it to the glass. They love it!!!

Should I remove the algae off the glass now?  
What else can I feed them, they can’t eat this everyday!
I can stick Algae Wafers to the glass and see if they will eat it!

Also, when should I do a water change with them? Had them for 5 days now! Last change (50%) was 5 days ago and parameters were good.

Thanks for all your help!

Otocinclus not Otis!

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My otos love canned green beans. Just split it open so they can easily get to the soft insides. Remove any leftovers by the next day. They also love the Xtreme brand Bottom Wafers. I have some larger otos that swarm Hikari VibraBites and Fluval Bug Bites. They want and need more than just algea. In the wild they scrape up lots of bugs and biofilm too. So I like to use the Repashy Community Blend for them and not the soilent green. They do get lots of biogoo in my tanks because I have plenty of wood in there, and I change water only every other week at 25% to 30%. Good luck with your otos, they're neat little fish.

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On 9/17/2023 at 4:00 PM, DaveO said:

My otos love canned green beans. Just split it open so they can easily get to the soft insides. Remove any leftovers by the next day. They also love the Xtreme brand Bottom Wafers. I have some larger otos that swarm Hikari VibraBites and Fluval Bug Bites. They want and need more than just algea. In the wild they scrape up lots of bugs and biofilm too. So I like to use the Repashy Community Blend for them and not the soilent green. They do get lots of biogoo in my tanks because I have plenty of wood in there, and I change water only every other week at 25% to 30%. Good luck with your otos, they're neat little fish.

I tried green beans yesterday, didn’t know I should split them! Will give them some tomorrow.
I do have Fluval Bug Bites and Repashy Community Blend. Curious to know why not Soilent Green? 
I have plenty of wood and just ordered a coconut shell and Hikari algae wafers
I will order hikari vibra bites
I do water changes once a week, 25% to 30% and once a month 50% to 60%,  so they should be good for now.




On 9/17/2023 at 4:51 PM, Cincala said:

I tried green beans yesterday, didn’t know I should split them! Will give them some tomorrow.
I do have Fluval Bug Bites and Repashy Community Blend. Curious to know why not Soilent Green? 
I have plenty of wood and just ordered a coconut shell and Hikari algae wafers
I will order hikari vibra bites
I do water changes once a week, 25% to 30% and once a month 50% to 60%,  so they should be good for now.




Thank you for your advice, I appreciate it!

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On 9/17/2023 at 3:51 PM, Cincala said:

I tried green beans yesterday, didn’t know I should split them! Will give them some tomorrow.
I do have Fluval Bug Bites and Repashy Community Blend. Curious to know why not Soilent Green? 
I have plenty of wood and just ordered a coconut shell and Hikari algae wafers
I will order hikari vibra bites
I do water changes once a week, 25% to 30% and once a month 50% to 60%,  so they should be good for now.




Thank you for your advice, I appreciate it!

I'm not opposed to soilent green, I just prefere community blend. Both have similar ingredients, but community leans a bit more heavily toward meaty protein. You should use the soilent since that's what you have. Like I elluded to earlier, my tanks have plenty of algea and biofilm so im not worried that the otos need more. I just like to give all my fish a mix of different foods. If one doesn't like a certain food, another usually does. It doesn't hurt to try many things, that's all I'm saying.

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On 9/17/2023 at 6:16 PM, DaveO said:

I'm not opposed to soilent green, I just prefere community blend. Both have similar ingredients, but community leans a bit more heavily toward meaty protein. You should use the soilent since that's what you have. Like I elluded to earlier, my tanks have plenty of algea and biofilm so im not worried that the otos need more. I just like to give all my fish a mix of different foods. If one doesn't like a certain food, another usually does. It doesn't hurt to try many things, that's all I'm saying.

I do have Repashy Community Plus. I have a very well established tank (13 or 14 years). My 13 1/2 year old pleco just died. He was born in this tank and died in it.  
My assassins ate his carcass, at least he died at home!

Sliced a green bean in half so they could get to the meat, and they love it!! Thanks!

 I am going to clean off some of the algae on the glass, and see if I can force them to eat the rest. I have a lot of algae and biofilm ( they don’t seem interested). I will not put zucchini, green beans, or anything extra for them to eat today. Read you are only supposed to feed them twice a week? 

Going to vacuum, clean the tank and do a 30% - 35% water change today.

 I agree changing their food, is the best thing to do! I just got in Hikari  Vibra Bites. I will try them tomorrow.

Thank you so much, for all your great advice!

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