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Neocaridina drip acclimation for a few hours now - help needed - avoiding Ph shock


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I've been drip acclimating shrimp for a few hours now. I placed the container into a tub with aquarium water. Temp is 2 degrees off, adding cups of water from the aquarium every so often to the tub get temps to match.

However - the sellers water Ph is 7.6 and mine is 8.0. After a couple of hours of drip Ph in shrimp container is still 7.6. Should I add more aquarium water to the container the shrimp are in or just let the drip continue and keep checked Ph? Need to avoid Ph shock when adding them to the aquarium.

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That's actually not a huge difference, they will be fine. Shrimp are more sensitive to poor water quality than they are a change in pH of 0.4. Plop and drop, they will probably molt and hide for a few days, but they will be okay. Neocaridina are pretty hardy.

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