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Red spot or sore on Molly


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IMG_20230912_142005.jpg.080ddf39c550ceb645cdbcaf60b1b549.jpgI have a 7 month old female Yellow Lyrietail Molly that appears to be constipated.  Her anus looks swollen, possibly compacted? 

I've tried giving her blanched skinless peas and garlic, but so far little success. She's on a 48 hour fast now, though she's a resourceful forager.  Her normal diet is brine shrimp and blood worms every 2nd day and occasional algae wafer. 

Is my next step an Epsom salts bath?

pH 7.8

Ammonia 0

Nitrates 30 

Nitrites 0

GH 250 PPM

KH Buffer 120 

Chlorine 0






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Someone else pointed out that it looked similar to egg bound or possibly, a bacterial infection.  No rapid breathing, she still wants to eat and swim around the tank.  But she is clamping her fins.  I've tried blanched skinless peas and garlic with not much success. I was considering trying to gently rub her belly to see if I can stimulate a bowel movement. I started an Epsom salt bath last night. A tablespoon of salt, with a gallon of aquarium water for 7 minutes. She had a small bowel movement during that process. I didn't see her go anymore before I went to bed. 

 I was going to continue this method for 3 days and if no success treat for bacterial infection.  I currently only have Paragard and  erythromycin. Not sure if appropriate for the situation. 


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On 9/13/2023 at 12:01 PM, ShineOn75 said:

Someone else pointed out that it looked similar to egg bound or possibly, a bacterial infection.  No rapid breathing, she still wants to eat and swim around the tank.  But she is clamping her fins.  I've tried blanched skinless peas and garlic with not much success. I was considering trying to gently rub her belly to see if I can stimulate a bowel movement. I started an Epsom salt bath last night. A tablespoon of salt, with a gallon of aquarium water for 7 minutes. She had a small bowel movement during that process. I didn't see her go anymore before I went to bed. 

 I was going to continue this method for 3 days and if no success treat for bacterial infection.  I currently only have Paragard and  erythromycin. Not sure if appropriate for the situation. 


What I would Do is try Epsom salt baths for 5 days 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes  if your seeing no improvement then I would do a course of expel p once a week for 3 weeks 

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Update: Tonight was day 2 of giving my Molly an Epsom salt bath.  She did much better tonight; easily completing the entire 10 minutes.  Her first bath, she could only go 7 minutes before I noticed stress.  After her bath tonight, I placed her back in the tank and she swam happily with her fellow mollies around the tank  She hasn't been clenching her fins today, either.  So, some good signs.  She still hasn't had a regular bowel movement.  She's only going a very little at a time.  I'll keep up the baths and soaking her food in garlic and epsom salts while I wait on the Expel P.

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@Colu completed day 3 of the epsom salt bath.  Today she was a little lethargic but still swimming and eating at feeding time. She even stole a wafer from a corydora. 

Despite this, I noticed for the first time her flashing.  It was only once but she did do it and I noticed one of my other Mollies do it twice. 

Expel P should be here on Monday 9/18.

Keep the course? Two more days of Epsom salt and then hold out for expel p?

On hand, I have Paraguard, Epsom salt, and erythromycin, Ick-X.

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On 9/15/2023 at 10:48 PM, ShineOn75 said:

@Colu completed day 3 of the epsom salt bath.  Today she was a little lethargic but still swimming and eating at feeding time. She even stole a wafer from a corydora. 

Despite this, I noticed for the first time her flashing.  It was only once but she did do it and I noticed one of my other Mollies do it twice. 

Expel P should be here on Monday 9/18.

Keep the course? Two more days of Epsom salt and then hold out for expel p?

On hand, I have Paraguard, Epsom salt, and erythromycin, Ick-X.

I would do the two more days of Epsom salt baths the medication you have such as para guard and ick x  don't treat internal parasites or Gill flukes I would holed out for the expel p 

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@Colu So, I believe you indeed diagnosed my Molly correctly. I thought I saw her starting to have a bowel movement but I think it's a red worm that I'm seeing sticking out of her anus.  


When I get the expel p should I just go ahead and treat the entire tank with it or should I just treat the female Molly that seems affected in quarantine?  She was in the tank several days before I realized what was happening and separated her. 

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On 9/16/2023 at 12:55 PM, ShineOn75 said:

@Colu So, I believe you indeed diagnosed my Molly correctly. I thought I saw her starting to have a bowel movement but I think it's a red worm that I'm seeing sticking out of her anus.  


When I get the expel p should I just go ahead and treat the entire tank with it or should I just treat the female Molly that seems affected in quarantine?  She was in the tank several days before I realized what was happening and separated her. 

I would treat the whole tank with expel p I would do a minimum of three full course of expel p it can take upto 4 course of expel p 

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  • 1 month later...


So unfortunately, my Molly passed away a few weeks back.  She became weaker and weaker and just passed away during the 4th treatment of Expel P. 

Her sister is still flashing and I am not sure how to treat.  I've tried Paraclense and Expel P; both 4x.  She stopped flashing for about 10 days and then  started again.  Should I try a different med? On hand, I have Paraclense, Expel P, Erythromycin, and Paraguard.  She's still eating really well, swimming and her fins aren't clamped.  She has a full belly, good weight.  I don't see anything physically wrong except the flashing. 

Ammonia 0

nitrate 40 PPM

nitrite 0

PH 7.1

GH 250

KH  80

chlorine 0




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On 11/4/2023 at 12:23 AM, ShineOn75 said:


So unfortunately, my Molly passed away a few weeks back.  She became weaker and weaker and just passed away during the 4th treatment of Expel P. 

Her sister is still flashing and I am not sure how to treat.  I've tried Paraclense and Expel P; both 4x.  She stopped flashing for about 10 days and then  started again.  Should I try a different med? On hand, I have Paraclense, Expel P, Erythromycin, and Paraguard.  She's still eating really well, swimming and her fins aren't clamped.  She has a full belly, good weight.  I don't see anything physically wrong except the flashing. 

Ammonia 0

nitrate 40 PPM

nitrite 0

PH 7.1

GH 250

KH  80

chlorine 0




Looks in good condition with with 4 rounds of paracleanse and expel p I would expect most parasites to be dealt looking at your water parameters your KH is a bit low for mollies they like  170ppm that can cause them to flash what I would do is add some crushed coral to raise your KH and monitor I wouldn't treat with any more medication 

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Roger that.  I thought she looked real healthy too.  She's the only fish flashing.

I think you're right about the parameters.  I checked my pH and it was at 7.71 but dropped to 7.5.   I'll add some more Seachem Alkaline Buffer.  For KH, would between 120 and 180 PPM be a good sweet spot for Mollies?  I also have snails,  Albino Corydoras and Platys in this tank.  



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On 11/4/2023 at 3:17 PM, ShineOn75 said:

Roger that.  I thought she looked real healthy too.  She's the only fish flashing.

I think you're right about the parameters.  I checked my pH and it was at 7.71 but dropped to 7.5.   I'll add some more Seachem Alkaline Buffer.  For KH, would between 120 and 180 PPM be a good sweet spot for Mollies?  I also have snails,  Albino Corydoras and Platys in this tank.  



You want your minimum KH to be no less than  170ppm for  long term health of  your Mollie's 

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@Colu Should I be concerned about this spot below her spine? It's not an external spot.  Whatever it is, it's internal.  I do remember at the height of her flashing, this spot was swollen and pushing out, almost like a bruise would.  After treating with Expel P and Paraclense the swelling went away but the spot remained.  I can't remember if she had this spot when I bought her.  The picture above this one from a previous message has a clearer shot of it.  It almost looks like a tiny grain of rice.  



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@Colu Today, I noticed  just next to the mast in her lower spine, a red spot or red sore appeared.  You can't see this on the right side, just from her left. I can't say for sure the mast has anything to do with it.  The only thing different I am doing is adding Seachem Stressguard.  If that's the cause, she's the only fish who's reacted negatively. 

Should I start salt? I only have Epson salt but can get aquarium salt if needed. 

If an antibiotic is necessary, I was thinking Maracyn2? 

I appreciate your assistance. 






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@Colu I have both Maracyn and Maracyn2. I went with Maracyn 2 per your recommendation. Today, I already see improvement, I think.  She's still eating good.  Today, she's swimming more than she was the past two days.  She's hiding less too. 

The red spot has some new yellow tissue on it and it seems a tad smaller.  The little white mass that resembles a rice grain that was to the right of the sore has turned black and is flatter and seems fragmented.  I am thinking that's good? I included an updated photo. As an added bonus, 😁  she's defecating in the pic.  I thought it was a little light in color but basically healthy IMHO. 



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On 11/11/2023 at 3:53 PM, ShineOn75 said:

@Colu I have both Maracyn and Maracyn2. I went with Maracyn 2 per your recommendation. Today, I already see improvement, I think.  She's still eating good.  Today, she's swimming more than she was the past two days.  She's hiding less too. 

The red spot has some new yellow tissue on it and it seems a tad smaller.  The little white mass that resembles a rice grain that was to the right of the sore has turned black and is flatter and seems fragmented.  I am thinking that's good? I included an updated photo. As an added bonus, 😁  she's defecating in the pic.  I thought it was a little light in color but basically healthy IMHO. 



It can take upto  7 days when treating with antibiotic before you see any improvement the red spot looks a little bit small to me 

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  • 4 weeks later...

You were right @Colu. I should of tempered my enthusiasm.  That spot healed but then she rapidly deteriorated.  She got what I believe was Dropsy.  She bloated up huge, laying on the bottom, started drifting to to her sides.  She wasn't coming back.  I had to humanely euthanize her. I hate having to do that.  Thanks for all your help.  I do appreciate it.  

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