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With my health declining, I'm trying to make things easier on myself while still enjoying the hobby. I'm working on giving up my 2 favorite things to breed so I'm trying to see how I can do things in their place that I can keep up with. Mystery snail clutches hatch tons of snails full of tons of poop. It's a lot. I'm thinking my replacement for that may be live bearing snails. They breed slower and therefore are easier to keep up with. They also grow slower so the work of finding homes wouldn't be constant. The concern is that they aren't as popular and therefore may be more difficult to find homes. I wanna see what people would pick out of these options to get an idea of what people like. I posted in tons of fb groups too to try to increase my sample size. 


Ok so pick just 1. Tell me why you pick that kind.


1.  Japanese trapdoor snail

2.  White Wizards

3.  Regular rabbit snails

4.  Mini rabbit snails


For the rabbit snails if you could include what color you like best too. 

I suppose I could include pics of each but I'm tired and lazy right now lol. If anyone wants a pic example of one let me know. 

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So I did some reading for the science...

1. Might just live too long for most hobbyists, but seem great.

2. Might not be great at eating algae, but look great.

3. Seem like a good balance, might not be the most visually pleasing, but seem ok. The one concern is size and how big they get. It might be difficult for them to navigate certain hardscape.

4. "mini" and the history of "mini" in your tanks makes me very concerned!!!! 😂 I think this is the choice though. The balance of everything, and hopefully a bit better time navigating around the tank.

For #4, what size are they when born? Are they much bigger than the other mini's?

Edit: max size looks like 1" vs. 4" but how small is mini is the only concern.

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On 9/6/2023 at 9:02 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

mini" and the history of "mini" in your tanks makes me very concerned!!!! 😂 I think this is the choice though. The balance of everything, and hopefully a bit better time navigating around the tank.

Haha yes but these don't have "ramshorn," after the word mini so I think I'm safe haha. 

On 9/6/2023 at 9:02 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

For #4, what size are they when born? Are they much bigger than the other mini's?

Idk how big they are when born but they really are small. I have a few already actually. 


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