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Guppy help


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Hi I’m new: my names joIMG_0921.jpeg.093bfc00eaff168b5280b7bb3a7bfa8d.jpeg

my male guppy been laying on the ground most of the 2 -3days but come to life and have a swim now and then, I have seen my platy sometimes bother the fish as he’s on his own, so don’t know if he’s stress out from this.
So I kept him separated as he looked ill and stayed on the ground of the box.
But today woke up and he’d died.
What could have caused this no spots but his upper fin was down not spread out like it has been

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No it was 1 of the fish I first bought, water is perfect, no signs of white sport or any thing I can think of, there’s another male guppy I had the same time and I don’t think he’s in the best of health too video brlow




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I suspect it is finrot. I lost 3 males the same way to finrot but treatment saved other tank mates and the ones I caught in early stages. This is exactly how my males looked.


First, try to have a clean tank with good parameters.

I would dose some lvl 1 aquarium salt ( https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish ) and use kanaplex. Also adding catappa leaves for natural antibacterial purposes can be a good support I think.


Just in case, tagging @Colu to make sure I am not misleading you.


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Hi Lennie

we have used salt that the aquarium store told us to do and use it when we do a water change.

all other fish are great we had a few babies which are thriving and swimming, we still have neons and others that we had when we started and still lively and healthy, it’s only the guppy’s, just can’t pin point what’s up.

none of the other fish have any fin problems.

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On 8/15/2023 at 12:15 PM, Jos said:

Hi Lennie

we have used salt that the aquarium store told us to do and use it when we do a water change.

all other fish are great we had a few babies which are thriving and swimming, we still have neons and others that we had when we started and still lively and healthy, it’s only the guppy’s, just can’t pin point what’s up.

none of the other fish have any fin problems.

First what's your ammonia nitrite nitrate . KH and GH any rapid breathing  any Redding to the edge of the fins 

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On 8/15/2023 at 2:15 PM, Jos said:

we have used salt that the aquarium store told us to do and use it when we do a water change.

what ratio exactly do you use?  too low concentration may not be enough to treat potential disease.


On 8/15/2023 at 2:15 PM, Jos said:

all other fish are great we had a few babies which are thriving and swimming, we still have neons and others that we had when we started and still lively and healthy, it’s only the guppy’s, just can’t pin point what’s up.

none of the other fish have any fin problems.

it is because Male guppies with long fins and tons of inbreeding are more fragile than those platies and such usually. That's why. In my experience males are also tend to have more issues compared to females too 🤷🏼‍♂️ it is what it is

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My husband does the aquarium and tests all is great, no faults with water. 
given the right salts needed.

it’s the 2 males that have given us this issue both were bought at the time we first had the aquarium. Got all the drops for any disease but none have shown any.

Did the ammonia nutrient test it’s perfect 

only thing I noticed is the one male platy I have been chasing some fish, stressing them out, so I’ve gone and bought 2 female platy to keep him happy and less stress for the other fish.

our tank is 250litres so plenty of big space for all


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On 8/15/2023 at 4:25 PM, Jos said:

given the right salts needed.

This confuse me. Salts are not "needed". Do you mean your pet store guy gave you salt and a schedule to treat the potential disease going on, or what?

Do you constantly keep your fish at salt-water ratio that is being used for treating diseases?


On 8/15/2023 at 4:25 PM, Jos said:

Got all the drops for any disease but none have shown any.

What drops exactly you mean for any disease? 

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Aquadur Minerals adds to soft water and osmosis water to recreate natural conditions for our tank inhabitants 

increasing my KH/GH and stabilise the PH according to the specific need of my fish

helps prevent mineral deficiencies in fish and plants

my supply of fish medicine cabinet 😀


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I think it would be worthwhile  treating with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment  as you have king British medication am assuming your in the UK  I would try and get holed of Sera Baktopur direct tables active ingredient is nifurpirinol a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment  or quarantine the sick fish and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 2 weeks just remember to only add back in what you take out so if you do a 1 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back @Jos

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