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Possible Hole in Head?


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Hey all,

I posted a photo of my opaline gourami. There’s a strange mark that almost looks like a bump on his head. Could this be the start of hole in the head?

I hope it’s not. I am currently treating the tank for secondary bacterial infections from ich. Maracyn has made a massive improvement to many of the fish. A couple are still sick. I’m trying the Co-op method where I let the meds sit for a week before I treat again and it’s been about 4 days since I put maracyn in. 

I did notice the base of the gouramis pectoral fins were bright red a day or so ago and they seem much better.

My ammonia and nitrites are 0 and nitrates are around 20-30ppm. The tank also has ich X in it, some paracleanse, and low salt because I had no idea what I was dealing with a few days ago and I will admit…I was slightly panicky😅 Now, I’m fairly confident it started as ich and progressed to a bacterial infection because of the bloom I had. Most of the fish are improving I’m heasitant to treat again because I don’t want the bacterial bloom to come back. I’d like to wait the full week before treating again if needed.

Anyways…hopefully that mark is nothing to be worried about. I could just be paranoid lol. He’s acting perfectly fine otherwise




Edited by Zac
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With the picture quality it's difficult to tell if that's hole in the head if it were you would want to treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks the co-op treatment protocol is a preventive treatment if your fish have an active infection I would treat following instructions of The box @Zac 


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On 7/26/2023 at 8:42 PM, Colu said:

With the picture quality it's difficult to tell if that's hole in the head if it were you would want to treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks the co-op treatment protocol is a preventive treatment if your fish have an active infection I would treat following instructions of The box @Zac 


It turns out my nitrites are actually .25. Ammonia is 0. Yesterday nitrites were at 0 but I could tell something was off. My gourami is acting a little more skittish and swimming a little more erratically. Nothing crazy though. I’m guessing the antibiotics I added are disrupting the cycle. I added prime to the tank and I think I’m going to check tomorrow to see if it went down. This is what I get for not having a quarantine tank😅

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