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Anubias rot

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     How common is it for Anubias rot to spread in a tank? I've never had so much trouble with this as in the past month or so. The tank is pretty new (6 weeks), and I've already lost two different Anubias plants in that time. I use easy green weekly, as well as root tabs for other plants. The two Anubias came from different vendors. I'm not sure which of the two began losing leaves first.  I don't want to add any more until I know it's not an issue with my tank. I heard Cory mention he ordered tons of Anubias to try and figure out why so many are having this issue. 

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Hi @Scaperoot thanks for posting this as I am seeing the same thing in my tanks. They are older (2+ years) and one by one the leaves are separating from the rhizome and found floating at the surface. Some plants are glued to rocks and one was weighted with lead plant weight. I assumed the one with the lead weight may have been too smothered by the weight but can’t explain the others. 

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The strange thing is that the last time I purchased Anubias, I placed one in a separate tank and it's still doing well. That's why I was wondering if one plant was the source and the rot spread to the other. 

Edited by Scaperoot
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