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assassin snail with mystery snail


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Will assassin snails eat or harass mystery snails? My child wants an assassin snail but we already have (or will be placing after quarantine) a mystery snail and betta (and one surviving green neon tetra) in a 10g. I fully expect bladder snails to be present in the 10g, since we did not quarantine plants, and found one already.

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Hi @HelplessNewbie,


From what I’ve read, it’s not advised to keep assassins with mystery snails or other peaceful snails like nerites or rabbits. Though they may be smaller than mysteries, they can very well harass and probe at your mystery snail. It’s what they do - hunt and eat snails. I don’t chance it. 

Personally, my assassin is boring and I just know he’s doing his work with the ramshorn snails I have. Assassins mostly bury themselves in the sand and wait for a snail to come by. Plus they mostly hunt at night. I only see my assassin once every few weeks. Your kids might find them pretty boring too. 

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@HelplessNewbie also, if you have or are anticipating unwanted bladder snails, a DIY snail trap baited with some food is an easy way to catch them and keep their numbers in control. Just make sure the trap is safe for your betta and mystery so they can’t get into it and get stuck. Plenty of videos out there on how to make one. 

I have a 6 gallon cube tank with a betta and controlled the ramshorn snails by just dropping in a canned green bean (for feeding mystery snail) and the ramshorns flocked to it quickly and then I just scoop out the bean and the ramshorns. I did this a few times and now I just have a few random ramshorns which is much easier to manage. 

Most importantly, don’t over feed your fish as the more uneaten food you have the more the pest snails will reproduce. 

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Mainly should be fine.

Assasin snails are opportunistic carnivores. When they have pontential smaller size no trapdoor foods around, they won't likely attempt to go for ganging up and try to hunt down a big mystery snail. I kept 3 mystery snails and 4 assasin snails together for a short period of time, and while they hunted mini ramshorns, they did not seem to care mystery snails.

Maybe a starving situation may affect their behavior but you say u have plenty of bladder snails.

Btw, your best bet would be, picking all bladder snails by hand in the new tank and moving to your old tank. You can actually completely collect them all with this sort of dedication

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Assasin snails love to bury in sand. So if you have gravel everywhere as in the picture, I would avoid keeping them personally. 

Yes they are usually kept for keeping pest snail population in control, but at the end of the day they have their own needs and likings. 

On 7/13/2023 at 6:51 PM, HelplessNewbie said:

manually remove the bladder snails as we find them.

best way tbh

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On 7/13/2023 at 11:37 PM, RoyaleButterfly said:

I have been doing the proper feeding and the bladder snails are dying off and not even close to as many babies as before. 

kinda hard to do when you have to feed a mystery snail in the same tank

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My mystery snail just helps eat the food I feed my Shrimp and I just don't overfeed if I can help it. It doesn't get rid of 100% of them but a lot of them. I don't mind how they look so I don't mind having some. They just were taking over my tank before. I like how some of their shells look and how some of them will just float across the tank sometimes. All I have is a 1 mystery snail, some bladder snails, and Shrimp though. 🙂

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