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Air stone on timer?

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Question, I run a fish room with no filters but I use air after noticing a couple tanks with fish struggling from oxygen deprivation issues. I was curious for opinions on if air needs to be run 24/7? All my tanks are heavily planted and thought of putting my air pump on a timer to only run part of the day or night but I’m not sure one, if this is a good idea and two, if so when is the best time to turn it off?  

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You need water movement in a tank 24/7.

 CO2 and oxygen exchange happens on the water surface. You should use sponge filters at minimal in tanks to help break down waste and aerate the water. With out water movement of some kind in the tank the fish, and at night the plants, will use up most of the oxygen, very little co2 can escape stagnant water. Stagnant water is also a breeding ground for Bacteria, fungi and biofilms that will eventually get your fish sick and probably kill them.

Edited by JimOp
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On 7/1/2023 at 8:05 AM, JimOp said:

You need water movement in a tank 24/7.

 CO2 and oxygen exchange happens on the water surface. You should use sponge filters at minimal in tanks to help break down waste and aerate the water. With out water movement of some kind in the tank the fish will use up most of the oxygen, very little co2 can escape stagnant water. Stagnant water is also a breeding ground for Bacteria, fungi and biofilms that will eventually get your fish sick and probably kill them.

@JimOpI have been running my filterless fish room for a year so I disagree on your view with filters. I run my tanks similar to LRB Aquatics except I use air. My fish and plants are thriving that being said thanks for your input 👍

Edited by Grizzly
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If your fish are gasping for air, then everything is not fine. Plants breath co2 and release oxygen during day cycle and breath oxygen at night releasing co2. Water flow even a air stones agitates the surface of the water. it moves water around releasing co2 to the air and brings oxygen into the water. You may want to add a drop checker in the tanks you are seeing this in to get some kind of idea as to how much co2 is actually in the tank.

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