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HELP betta fish is sick

dragon enjoyer

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My betta is not eating from the past 2days has a fin rot for about 1month lives in a 10 ltr tank i feed him hikari betta bio gold i have tried almost everything (almond leaves,saltbaths,api bettafix,some medicines from the pet shop) the fins are still not healing as well as he has lost appetite ph is between 7.8-8 can someone help me? Any sort of help is appreciated. I have no idea what to do now and the loss for appetite is another problem😭😭.sorry for the bad image quality.16864969654361665604285237328972.jpg.0c876378e24a7ae1752ccc86e62903ba.jpg


Edited by dragon enjoyer
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Thank you for showing concerns

Ph is 7.6

Did cycled 1 month prior

Ammonia 15ppm

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 15

He has lost appetite for the past3 days (tried everything:freeze dried shrimp,baby brineshrimp,strawberry,cucumber,live food,pellets(hikari betta bio gold))

Currently using cattappa leaves.

I am a first time fishkeeper so please give some tips.

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On 6/12/2023 at 2:47 AM, dragon enjoyer said:

Ammonia 15ppm

Assuming this isn't a typo  If your ammonia at 15ppm you need to immediately start doing daily X2 water changes of 40% you can add 5x time amount of seachems prime in an emergency to help detoxify any ammonia till it constantly stays at zero that level of ammonia can kill your fish and what causing the lack of appetite and fin rot not amount of medication will work with ammonia at that level  temperature bettas do best at 80-82

Edited by Colu
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On 6/12/2023 at 10:46 AM, dragon enjoyer said:


Sorry my mistake it was a typo Ammonia is 0ppm.

Extremely sorry for the typo.

As your ammonia at zero if the temperature 80-82 what I would do is a couse of seachems kanaplex it's a very effective antibiotic treatment for gram negative bacteria as most cases of fin rot are caused by gram negative 

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