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Goldfish Laying on Bottom of Tank


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My little goldfish has had a rough go of things. I got him from a grocery store where he was poorly taken care of. After treating fin rot and ammonia burns (which took a long time and a lot of fussing to heal from)—things were looking up! He was happy, active, and his fins are looking lovely from all the regrowth.

Then, suddenly he has started laying  around on the bottom of the tank these last few days. When I walk up to the tank he swims up to greet me, and he still has his normal appetite. I’m googling a little and seeing that this can be a sign of swim bladder issues. He had always acted a little odd while eating. His tail seems to float above his head and he almost seems in a trance while he’s grinding up his pellet. Is that odd? He has always been a little twitchy and hyperactive in general as well. I feel like this poor fish has just been facing issue after issue. I’m doing my best to get him all healed up and transfer him back to his nice planted tank—but it feels like it’s just problem after problem. Poor guy. 

I’m sure this little hospital tank is pretty boring for him. Can this be a sign of boredom? His planted tank was having some water parameter issues so I am just waiting until those are all straightened out to move him back at this point. Unless of course he needs more treatment. 

Water parameters in his hospital tank are stable. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate—nothing else has changed. This morning I did add a little “cave” for him hoping that if he wants to lay down, maybe he can be slightly more comfortable and feel safer. 

Thanks in advance for any advice or encouragement. I feel like sickly animals must sense that I have a soft heart and will give them a chance. They always seem to find me! 🙃


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@Colu It’s difficult to tell because he’s so active when I get in front of the tank, but if he’s not swishing his fins he seems to very slowly sink towards the bottom of the tank. He almost looks tired to me. Like he needs to rest his fins or something. Does that even make sense? 

Edited by Ronnie
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On 6/9/2023 at 3:02 PM, Ronnie said:

@Colu It’s difficult to tell because he’s so active when I get in front of the tank, but if he’s not swishing his fins he seems to very slowly sink towards the bottom of the tank. He almost looks tired to me. Like he needs to rest his fins or something. Does that even make sense? 

What type of filter are you using if it has to much flow that could be way he is resting on the bottom of the tank a lot

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@Colu It’s a tetra whisper filter. Usually I see him “playing” in the flow but maybe he doesn’t like it anymore? We have only had him just over a month. He’s been hiding in that little “cave” and seems to be doing slightly better. Like he’s not having to fight so hard to stay off the ground. 

And actually, now that you mention it, he’s been ducking and hiding under and behind the filter too. I thought maybe he was struggling to breathe or something initially, but he’s not gasping or anything, and seems fine besides the laying down. Maybe he’s trying to get away from the current. I hadn’t even thought of that. Is there any way to fix that without changing out the filter completely? 

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@Colu I just used an old water bottle to redirect the flow until my kids go to bed and I can take the filter out and fuss with it. Literally 5 minutes later he is already acting more like himself. I don’t want to get my hopes too high—but he seems so much happier!! Already swimming around, flitting his fins, picking at the gravel, and begging me for more food, even when I’m hiding around the corner and he can’t see me. 😆 Here’s hoping that was the issue. THANK YOU! You have saved the day, yet again! 


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