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3 gallon shrimp tank

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Pic from last Friday first (Aug 16), then pics from today (Aug 22).  Just scraped the glass a few minutes ago since I had a bit of algae that’s now floating around.  😝 Not a lot of difference in the Anubias yet, of course, but take a gander at the ‘Needle Leaf’ Java fern growth.  I’m barely feeding this tank since it only has a few snails so far and no shrimp yet and I don’t want the algae to go wild.  I wouldn’t mind an ID on these snails, by the way.  I know a few they aren’t - not MTS, not Australian mud snails (no operculum), and not Prambanians.  Obviously not bladder, pond, or ramshorns.  They stay no more than about 1 cm long but they do sometimes have a bit more texture to the shells.  The shells are fairly hard, too, much harder than bladders, ponds, or ramshorns, but not as hard as MTS.  They do seem to be slow live bearers because I’ve not seen anything that looks like an egg sac / cluster from them and they appear to reproduce fairly slowly.  My pinky nail is about 6 mm wide for comparison.











Edited by Odd Duck
Forgot to add the pics that show the Anubias. 8/16 first, then 8/22.
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