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Wild Fish ID


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My roomie and I went to the market in Edmonds (WA) this weekend and decided to walk down to the beach. It happened to be low tide so we poked around the shallows and found some (baby?) fish. I thought it would be cool to know what they were but my Google fu was lacking, so I thought I'd post here and see if anyone knew? I'll post the picture I took but it's not very good as it was very sunny and I couldn't really see my phone screen.

Characteristics: there were very many of them. some swimming around but most hiding under wood we accidentally disturbed. varying sizes all under an inch. smaller ones were black and bigger ones were dark grey. all had a white marking on the back that looked like the point of an arrow.

Pictures: IMG_20230520_1406276222.jpg.3a2d89e5805107cd6a663a2cea3e3542.jpgIMG_20230520_1406276223.jpg.76b96b79bc96a97da4bbea423e507cab.jpg

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