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Taking the shipping plunge


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I just ordered live fish on the internet!?!

Technologyis wonderful. I found a supplier local to me (about an hour away; it would probably be cheaper to drive over and pick them up, but Covid) who will ship ground. I have high hopes considering their water parameters will be similar to mine and the fish get to cut out the "middle man" and travel directly from the tank/pond where they were raised into my tank. If all goes well, I'll use this supplier to stock my upcoming 55g molly species tank; they have some gorgeous livebearers!

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I love the sailfin mollies. Many, many years ago I stumbled upon a retired breeding pair of black sailfin mollies in a pet shop that were the most gorgeous fish I've ever seen. The female was about eight inches long and the mail was over six inches long. They'd been raised in a pond in Florida. The breeder was moving on to something else and included them in his final shipment to the wholesaler. The pet shop owner saw them at the wholesaler, fell in love and bought them. He then put them on sale in his shop, but put an absurdly high price on them so no one would buy them. I think it was $89.99 for the pair and this was like forty years ago. You could pretty much buy the most exotic fish in the world then for less than that. The male didn't know he was a retired breeder and he was flashing and displaying for the female with that enormous sail with the red edging. Sailfin mollies are on my bucket list of fish to keep. I want several pairs in a big enough tank for them to reach their full potential. That pet shop owner confided that he'd paid far, far less for the pair than he was asking for them, but he didn't want to part with them, so he priced them absurdly high so no one would buy them. You only see the very small, young sailfin mollies in pet shops, when you see them at all, but once you've seen a fully adult pair of sailfin mollies at their peak, they will blow you away.

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This supplier carries sailfin mollies and they look great! I hope to have success with the mollies as I'm in central FL and I've read they do well in our hard water. I'm doing well with the platies so far, and that's what I've ordered to get a sense of the quality of their stock and their shipping practices.

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