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Ideal betta diet/ What do you feed?


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On 4/20/2023 at 1:11 PM, FLFishChik said:

Ok… hear me out…

buy those individuals pill containers, fill them with a month or two worth of food and then put the rest into the freezer. Refill as needed.



Fill ALL of containers up with each food.. store all the same food in a ziplock of their own (all the pellets in one bag, all the flakes in one bag and so on) in the freezer. when 1 container runs out, then ya just reach into the freezer and pull out a ready to go container.

Oh, there's a thought. I will consider this, thank you 😮


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On 4/20/2023 at 3:57 AM, Lennie said:

Well, I have never been able to successfully soak it. It always kept floating and my fish usually don't like surface feeding. Planning to feed betta directly on the surface

That's looking great. I always feed my fish like this too 😄 Sounds great


On 4/20/2023 at 4:05 AM, FLFishChik said:

It doesn’t really want to soak well… it almost seems hydrophobic 😂, but all of my Bettas are OK with eating from the surface (one seems to ONLY eat from the surface. If it starts to sink then he loses interest), so it isn’t an issue. If yours doesn’t , you could try taking a pinch of daphnia and kind of roll it between your fingers just under the surface and see if that helps to keep it from floating 

Interesting!! Hydrophobic is exactly right—they don’t take to soaking at all. At least as far as I’ve ever been able to manage. Only reason I wondered is because they seemed difficult for my betta to eat and also could have sworn I read somewhere that they needed to be soaked beforehand or they’d give the fish bloat. Fake news! Thanks 😊

On 4/20/2023 at 3:57 AM, Lennie said:

Well, I have never been able to successfully soak it. It always kept floating and my fish usually don't like surface feeding. Planning to feed betta directly on the surface

That's looking great. I always feed my fish like this too 😄 Sounds great


On 4/20/2023 at 4:05 AM, FLFishChik said:

It doesn’t really want to soak well… it almost seems hydrophobic 😂, but all of my Bettas are OK with eating from the surface (one seems to ONLY eat from the surface. If it starts to sink then he loses interest), so it isn’t an issue. If yours doesn’t , you could try taking a pinch of daphnia and kind of roll it between your fingers just under the surface and see if that helps to keep it from floating 

Interesting!! Hydrophobic is exactly right—they don’t take to soaking at all. At least as far as I’ve ever been able to manage. Only reason I wondered is because they seemed difficult for my betta to eat and also could have sworn I read somewhere that they needed to be soaked beforehand or they’d give the fish bloat. Fake news! Thanks 😊

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On 4/25/2023 at 6:47 AM, MoonMom said:


Interesting!! Hydrophobic is exactly right—they don’t take to soaking at all. At least as far as I’ve ever been able to manage. Only reason I wondered is because they seemed difficult for my betta to eat and also could have sworn I read somewhere that they needed to be soaked beforehand or they’d give the fish bloat. Fake news! Thanks 😊


Interesting!! Hydrophobic is exactly right—they don’t take to soaking at all. At least as far as I’ve ever been able to manage. Only reason I wondered is because they seemed difficult for my betta to eat and also could have sworn I read somewhere that they needed to be soaked beforehand or they’d give the fish bloat. Fake news! Thanks 😊

I personally believe not soaking them may cause bloating issues potentially to be honest. And bettas are kinda prone to bloating. I’ve never tried feeding mine freeze dried food yet, only 3 different pellets ( NLS, Dainichi, and Omega One) and frozen daphnia and bbs. I try to divide his meals to two portions one in the morning and one in the evening.

He was not a fan of bbs but he loved daphnia

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