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Blown fins ??


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Miso's fins have holes in them. They look like there are bubbles inside his fins, and now there are holes.

I treated for fin-rot & doing water changes. He's gotten a few salt baths as he shares the tank with Zamboni (mystery snail) 

He has been flaring at the corner of the tank even with the lights off. I put black paper on the outside, by that doesn't seem to stop him.

He's eating fine, but he stopped hanging out in his floating log which was has favorite place. I checked the log for pointy parts and there are none. 

Any suggestions?IMG_20230324_233410204.jpg.f30c7b154b00a8be268940cb2010e816.jpg

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It looks like a fluid filled sac the constant flaring is probably tearing fins that why your not seeing much improvement what I would black out the side's and back of the tank and add some floating plants to help reduce reflection that could be causing him to flair also what are your water parameters and what medication have you treated with as most cases of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacteria @Confetto

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I use the Tetra easy strips to test my water parameters:

Nitrate is 20 PPM, safe - Nitrite 0 - Hardness measures at 75 PPM, soft - Chlorine 0 - Alkalinity is measuring between 40 and 80 PPM, moderate - pH is measuring at 7.2

I use the Seahem alert tab for ammonia & it's measuring safe.  

I dosed with Imagitarium Bacterial Infection Remedy per the directions.

Miso let me take a better picture this evening. As for his flaring, I have tried in the past with frogbit and he just knocks all the roots off causing them to die off. I've been keeping the lights off most of the day, running them 3 hours in the evening. 



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On 3/30/2023 at 5:15 AM, Confetto said:


I use the Tetra easy strips to test my water parameters:

Nitrate is 20 PPM, safe - Nitrite 0 - Hardness measures at 75 PPM, soft - Chlorine 0 - Alkalinity is measuring between 40 and 80 PPM, moderate - pH is measuring at 7.2

I use the Seahem alert tab for ammonia & it's measuring safe.  

I dosed with Imagitarium Bacterial Infection Remedy per the directions.

Miso let me take a better picture this evening. As for his flaring, I have tried in the past with frogbit and he just knocks all the roots off causing them to die off. I've been keeping the lights off most of the day, running them 3 hours in the evening. 



Your water parameters are fine what I would recommend is removing your snail if you have another tank or tote you could put it in during treatment and add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will help reduce the fluid buildup in the fluid filled sacs I would also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties depending on the quality of the leaves you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect and I would do a course of kanaplex 

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On 3/30/2023 at 7:19 AM, Colu said:

... removing your snail if you have another tank or tote you could put it in during treatment and add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons... 

I would also add some Indian almond leaves...and I would do a course of kanaplex 

I can do that. Today is water change day, so my snail tote can be set up quickly.

The almond leaves and kanaplex have been ordered as neither of my LFS's carry them. 

Thank you!

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