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Breeding Aphyosemion Striatum “Red Striped Killifish”


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On 6/17/2023 at 8:12 AM, Schuyler said:

What are you feeding the fry?

That moss looks so healthy and green

I’m feeding hikari first bites right now. I don’t think they are big enough to start feeding bbs yet. I plan on feeding them bbs in a couple more weeks. Thank you I’ve noticed the only time moss looks amazing for me is when it’s up higher like that on driftwood. If it’s down any lower it looks okay but doesn’t pop like it is now!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I’ve been having terrible luck with the fry in the 15g! I have 1 that is decent size now but afraid of anything and everything so it’s impossible to get a photo! The others are smaller and periodically I’ll find one that looks like it’s sitting there fine but up by the surface and when I feed I poke my finger next to it and it just kind darts away a little bit and then stops and “loses it’s balance” can’t keep upright. Unsure what is happening. I have a few pics of the adults they are still doing great! I switched from an iPhone 11 to the 14 pro and hate it for taking pictures of fish compared to the 11. Every time I get close for a good photo it switches it to the other camera the quality just doesn’t look the same! IMG_0883.jpeg.3390b423724db84aba8d5e3d311eaa1d.jpegIMG_0880.jpeg.a0fb51da89ce65eb37d68d38c88bb34d.jpegIMG_0886.jpeg.c32a2acd3a7019fa6cb6da856b08863e.jpeg


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  • 3 weeks later...

Turns out I have 2 fry from the Aphyosemion striatum. One is much bigger than the other. I saw the smaller one the other day and then when doing maintenance today a saw the bigger one. Not a very good picture of the bigger one but I’m happy I have 2 that survived. Both look to be females. Wondering if it had anything to do with not running any heater in the tank IMG_1020.jpeg.b04f637e86df55d8f65dbbf8842db44b.jpegIMG_1090.jpeg.5ec2fa25b3e1e90e6c3f95b594ef97d5.jpeg

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On 7/31/2023 at 12:19 PM, Slick_Nick said:

Both look to be females. Wondering if it had anything to do with not running any heater in the tank 

I have read that temp and pH impact ratios in striatum.

It could also be that they are make but haven't colored up yet. It could take a few months (not sure how old they are now it when this species colors up)

That's really exciting!

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On 7/31/2023 at 1:28 PM, Schuyler said:

I have read that temp and pH impact ratios in striatum.

It could also be that they are make but haven't colored up yet. It could take a few months (not sure how old they are now it when this species colors up)

That's really exciting!

I guess in time we will find out! The adults are still doing great I wish I had more space to keep getting more fry from them! The 2 fry are living it up in a 15g all to themselves at the moment 

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On 7/31/2023 at 9:00 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Playing musical tanks with killis makes perfect sense. Similar to rainbows you’ll end up with fry all over the place! 

That's true. An option could be to do the classic killifish keeper move and get a bunch of plastic shoe boxes to raise fry in.

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On 7/31/2023 at 9:00 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

The Flex 15 g filtration also can be tricky for fry and shrimplets as I used to find them in the back section hiding out. I’d keep a flashlight handy and watch for them. Playing musical tanks with killis makes perfect sense. Similar to rainbows you’ll end up with fry all over the place! 

Yes all my fry would accumulate back there and I’d use a little shrimp net to get them out. I put some filter sponge to try to keep them from getting back there but they always found a way! I eventually pulled the filter sponge back out and just let them go back there if they wanted! I’m considering trying to raise fry in the 2.5g I have again. I took it down last time the fry died on me 

On 7/31/2023 at 9:03 PM, Schuyler said:

That's true. An option could be to do the classic killifish keeper move and get a bunch of plastic shoe boxes to raise fry in.

I like that idea a lot I just had bad luck trying to raise the fry in something small which is why I just decided to try in the 15g. Might be worth another try in a small tank again

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/28/2023 at 12:15 PM, Schuyler said:

How are they doing? Any luck yet?

I have not attempted to get anymore fry from them yet. I still have the 2 fry though and the one is getting bigger I haven’t been able to get the best pics. Algae is going crazy in the tank but at this point I’m afraid to touch anything so I’m just leaving it alone! I’m lacking tank space and room for more tanks at the moment IMG_1335.jpeg.0e01ffa7b3c0d4c676dff4300f2f1d3e.jpegIMG_1331.jpeg.6d1f9fee6f0cd4afeb43cbf9e3bce290.jpeg

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On 8/28/2023 at 4:09 PM, Schuyler said:

Algae isn't fun to look at but supposedly it has lots of little critters fry can pick at.

At least the two fry left are looking happy!

Yes and the adults are still doing great really hoping these babies hurry up and grow so I can move them and try again. Would love to at least get 1 male and female out of these guys to keep them going!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

IMG_1469.jpeg.09a248dba120bcb59de19ae326633e1a.jpegIMG_1468.jpeg.db7d39e39f424a8d3d6886c05eb2a237.jpegIMG_1464.jpeg.988a014a73d0275a3e01bf4ece67ee0b.jpegIMG_1462.jpeg.a902aa0c50ca4316231febcb474d5df4.jpegDecided I’d post a few pictures of the adults and a pic of the largest baby. I’m not happy with the look of the tanks but I’ve been slacking a bit thanks to my other hobby. The fish are still looking amazing. Also this entire time I thought I only had 2 babies it turns out I actually have 3. The largest is definitely female the other 2 I’m unsure at the moment and being a 15g tank there could be more hidden around. 

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On 9/14/2023 at 6:41 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@Slick_Nickthey’re gorgeous. My Gularis eggs never hatched which is a bummer. I’m looking forward to our club auctions to see if I can get some killis this fall or next spring! Well done with the colony breeding! 

Thank you! That’s a bummer about your eggs those are such pretty fish!! I’m sure you’ll be able to find something cool at one of your auctions! The babies are in a different tank than the adults I tried raising babies with the adults first because I read it’s possible. I don’t know how though the killis see something move and they eat it! Hoping these babies get big enough to add with the adults so I can try to make some more!

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