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New game plan, Staying in the hobby for now !


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I have a new game plan. I has decided to stay in the hobby for now. 

The breeder came and got 83 cory long fin hi fin peppered corys today. There are still more in the 2 tanks that I haven't been able to catch. I also have some mixed fry in the 55 tank where fry were not suppose to be able to make it.

The breeder said she would be happy to take all the future fry off my hands and was very pleased with their condition. I had hoped for 6-8 fry max when I put the fish in a tank that was pretty safe for fry for a few weeks. The breeder photographed them in batches in buckets and countede 83. 

Aside from water problems, my biggest problem has been finding any easy way to rehome the fry. Now that she will take the fry, keeping the fish is not so stressful.

We will see how it goes.

Thanks for all your help and support !!!

Edited by KittenFishMom
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On 3/11/2023 at 2:35 PM, KittenFishMom said:

The breeder came and got 83 cory long fin hi fin peppered corys today. There are still more in the 2 tanks that I haven't been able to catch. I also have some mixed fry in the 55 tank where fry would not suppose to be able to make it.

That's awesome 🙂 What a relief.

On 3/11/2023 at 2:35 PM, KittenFishMom said:

Aside from water problems, my biggest problem has been finding any easy way to rehome the fry. Now that she will take the fry, keeping the fish is not so stressful.

Such a nice thing, I'm thankful you were able to find some help locally.

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What's the plans going forward?

I've found it's very helpful to learn where you "line" is. Everyone's is different. The line I'm talking about is between job and hobby. At a certain point, it stops being fun and starts being work. Sometimes you need to cross that line before you realize where it is as well as how important it is not to cross. Keep it fun!  If that means no breeding (ofc sometimes you can't avoid the accidental) then no breeding!  If that means 1 tank, then 1 tank!  If that means 100 tanks all breeding, then that too!  It's important to keep it fun!  If you don't enjoy a species, don't pressure yourself into keeping it. It's for YOU and not others. Remind yourself of that!

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@Cinnebuns I love the corys, but could not see driving over an hour each way to rehome them. I was sad to be parting with them, but I could not face a never end stream of fry. I thought corys were hard to breed. I had no idea they would procude so many so fast, if I did not collect the eggs. I did nothing except move 2 males and a female to a different tank for a few weeks and KA BOOM ! 100 fry.  It was going to be too much work to rehome them. Then I reached out the  the man that had owned the LFS when it closed in December and he gave me this breeders name. She and I are both very excited and happy.  I can enjoy watching the little guys grow, knowing she is happy to take them. She is getting free healthy fry and my breeding equipment that I never used. 

I gave her 3 jars of repashy because my fish won't eat it. I made a batch  Wednesday, exactly like the web site said and thhe only thing that would touch it was the snails.  She looked at and sniffed my batch and we put some in the tank. The fish swam right by it. She said it looked and smelled right and had never seen a fish turn up their nose at Reapashy.  I think maybe my fish like my brine shrimp better.

This is working out great for the breeder and for myself. I can pamper my fish, and then she gets the fry for driving over to pick them up.

Edited by KittenFishMom
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I have had this mellow plakat betta for ages. he patrols the 55 tank like a general doing inspections. He is top to bottom and end to end and never bothers anyone. Today the breeder gave me some hill stream loaches that she said would not breed. The betta ignored them for a while and then started chasing them all over the tank.  The betta is now in the 15 gallon tank.

The breeder has also promised to bring red cherry shrimp next time.

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It's funny. The hill stream loach move a bit like a remote control toy. They stop and turn and then zip forward and stop and back up, then zip in another direction.  Maybe this stop and go instead of gliding like the other fish caught the bettas attention. The betta was fully flared when I netted him. The hill stream loaches are much smaller than the betta. Nothing flashy about their color. Who knows?

@Theplatymaster The breeder kept telling me she did not plan to sell my fish, just breed them. I told her I thought there were too many to breed, but they swam so fast, I could not get a good count. When she looked in the bucket she said "That is a cary amount of fish!"

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On 3/11/2023 at 7:34 PM, KittenFishMom said:

The breeder kept telling me she did not plan to sell my fish, just breed them.

unless she has like 100 tanks, those fish need to go somewhere... 🤷‍♂️

On 3/11/2023 at 7:34 PM, KittenFishMom said:

That is a cary amount of fish!"

is this supposed to be "Crazy amount of fish"?

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@Theplatymaster Oh, once she saw how many fry I really had, she said she would sell most after a quarantine. She plans to pick 7 males and 3 females for breeding. I had told her I have only been keeping fish a little over a year and didn't know what I was doing. She assume I was over estimating, not underestimating.  I knew my estimate was off, but I didn't know how much or in which direction. I told her I thought 40 to 50, and a friend guessed 70. She wasn't expecting 83.

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@Pepere I'm not sure why my fry all seemed to grow and stay healthy.  I only found 2 that didn't make it. I feed them 4 times a day and often changed the water twice a day as they started getting bigger in the 10 gallon half cylinder tank.

I didn't collect any eggs, so I was only hopeing for 6 or 8 fry.

As the water changes got more frequent, I set up a 15 gallon tank with lots of removable cover, and Stability and Prime and extra sponge filters and an HOB.

I caught about 90 using a salad dressing bottle and frozen bbs as bait, watching until there was a good number in the bottle, then putting my hand over the opening and moving them to the 15 gallon tank. I would guess there are still close to 20 that got wise to my tricks and shoot out of the bottle the moment I move.

I have to find a way to retieve the 30 or so fry from the 55 gallon heavily over planted tank before they get tout grow the nitrogen cycle. Now that would really be inconsequential !!!

Luckily the breeder said she would take any fry I catch and some of the adults. The adults are still spawning daily. They are eating a lot of the eggs, but not all of them.  

I have a male betta, neon tetras, scuds and leeches in the 55 gallon tank. I thought they would keep the fry count down close to zero, but I was wrong.

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On 3/12/2023 at 8:38 PM, jwcarlson said:

Me waiting to see if I can get one sterbai egg:d96646d7aa32590c7ee565fc7546b9e7.jpg.dfd36702e2eb6d5eecc1cb0ea5b0de6a.jpg

My sterbais are horny as hell. Get them and they will make everyone party in your tank

Wink wink

Edited by Lennie
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@Pepere What kind of killi fish do you have?

I had flagfish in January and they kept bothering my peppered corys. It almost looked like the flagfish were stinging the corys, probably just startling them. The corys took off like a shot. I'm hesitant to try that again. 

right now I have :

peppered corys

neon tetras

black kuhli loaches

and hilstream loaches.

I want to add red cherry shrimp and maybe striped kuhlis if I can catch enough corys for the breeder.

What would be good at eating cory fry, but not shrimp?


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