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ich x not working


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I have a 75 gallon tank with one big blood parrot and 3 small ones. Two of the small ones have ick on there back fins, very few white spots on body, maybe 3 each. I have been treating with ich x for 6 days, doing 30% water changes every day and it really dosent seem better. Not worse but not better. They are also on medicated food for other reasons that treats for epistylis, however I do not think thats what it is at all. My amonia is 0, nitrites 0 and nitrates not over 20. Do I just keep treating every day with ich x or do I need to change anything? My thermostat is set at 79-80.

I have attached the best pic i could get. I know its not great. 


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You need a minimum of 1 table spoon for 2 gallons of aquarium salt to treat ick I would add the aquarium salt as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes and keep treating with ick X the combination very effective for treating ich here's how you tell the difference between ich and epistylis if you not sure what your dealing with  @ckylesworld


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