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Alien betta


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I just noticed that there are some new bettas called "Alien Betta" and a quick google search told me that it's a hybrid of some wild types but didn't specify which kind. They do look like a mixture of splendens, smaragdina and mahachaiensis.


Does anyone on here keep them? How are they in a community? 


Would love to see some pics and setups if anyone keeps them 😁

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Been seeing them recently at the LFS. Idk about pricing where you’re at but they are $40-60 here. Absolutely gorgeous in some black water which is what the LFS here keeps them in. 

Is the price because they are ‘wild type’ or? 

Hmmmm seems based on what crosses the bettas are. I do remember the $60 one saying ‘giant green alien male’ it was indeed big for a betta. Probably 3.5” if I had to guess.

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I’m in california and they’re priced around 30-50 here (based on two LFS that I’ve seen. I haven’t gone out of my area to the other stores). I was gonna setup a blackwater tank for them when I upgrade the other tanks, but I wanted to see if anyone on here has any experience with them before I buy one myself 😂

I have seen some giant aliens at one of my LFS recently and I think they were priced at $50. Was also playing with the idea of a sorority of alien females but probably not anytime soon due to lack of info on them. 

I think they’re priced that way because there’s less of them. Kinda like when the koi Betta’s came out before, they were priced similarly to the aliens now. 

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When I was first setting up my tanks a couple years ago I was certain an alien betta would be in one of mine. After keeping a couple betta’s, I’m not really sure betta’s are my thing lol


I will say that short-finned bettas are much more up my alley and seem to have less issues in my experience and with everything I’ve seen online. Makes sense as they don’t have those giant fins that are always tearing and getting infected. 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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They are, from what I have been told by a local wild-type breeder, a hybrid of a regular Splendens and Imbellis, with like a 5% success rate on males and 1% on females, he wasn't very specific, but most end up just being a drab solid color. And the chances of them being effectively sterile is about 50%. Breeding two aliens will often not work, but give mostly wild-types with w/e color finnage they mother has usually. They are surprisingly chill for such ornamental fish, and can even be kept in mixed groups of males and females without too much issue. It seems that wild-types are WAY more sociable and less aggressive then the usual, and any territorial issues are for spaces that are as small as half of a 5 gallon. He usually keeps 4-6 in a custom shallow 10 gallon.

He has gave up on targeting the type, but still keeps an eye out. He is more focused on breeding some of the critically endangered ones at the moment as a conservationist. I recently got a pair of Betta Miniopinna last week and they are still hiding in my scaping, but already doing a great job controlling my recent scud outbreak and will hopefully be able to breed. He also breeds Betta albimarginata on a regular basis.

I got one, at of all places, PetCo! And for only $27 bucks! Never walk by a betta rack without checking...20221023_170812.jpg.dfc57aa744e70b7d2ed008dfbecb1fc3.jpg

As you can see makoto isn't a PERFECT alien as his head isn't completely covered, but I loved his color (This is in a blackwater tank BTW) and had the interesting extra long anal fin. He lives with an accidental guppy colony and doesn't even chase the fry around. I am currently looking for either another turquoise or silver one or another blue girlfriend for Makoto.

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On 2/20/2023 at 3:21 AM, Luciferkrist said:

They are, from what I have been told by a local wild-type breeder, a hybrid of a regular Splendens and Imbellis, with like a 5% success rate on males and 1% on females, he wasn't very specific, but most end up just being a drab solid color. And the chances of them being effectively sterile is about 50%. Breeding two aliens will often not work, but give mostly wild-types with w/e color finnage they mother has usually. They are surprisingly chill for such ornamental fish, and can even be kept in mixed groups of males and females without too much issue. It seems that wild-types are WAY more sociable and less aggressive then the usual, and any territorial issues are for spaces that are as small as half of a 5 gallon. He usually keeps 4-6 in a custom shallow 10 gallon.

He has gave up on targeting the type, but still keeps an eye out. He is more focused on breeding some of the critically endangered ones at the moment as a conservationist. I recently got a pair of Betta Miniopinna last week and they are still hiding in my scaping, but already doing a great job controlling my recent scud outbreak and will hopefully be able to breed. He also breeds Betta albimarginata on a regular basis.

I got one, at of all places, PetCo! And for only $27 bucks! Never walk by a betta rack without checking...20221023_170812.jpg.dfc57aa744e70b7d2ed008dfbecb1fc3.jpg

As you can see makoto isn't a PERFECT alien as his head isn't completely covered, but I loved his color (This is in a blackwater tank BTW) and had the interesting extra long anal fin. He lives with an accidental guppy colony and doesn't even chase the fry around. I am currently looking for either another turquoise or silver one or another blue girlfriend for Makoto.

I really appreciate this! I’m definitely gonna setup a tank for one. My LFS has some blue, green and giants for sale. Thank you 😁

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