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Mystery snail not moving

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So I recently got a blue mystery snail and he hasn’t moved for the last 4 days. He was moving the first and second day I got him and then just stopped. There is plenty of algae for him to eat and the temperature is 78°. The water parameters are; Nitrate 5 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 Cl2 0 GH 25 Alkalinity 80 KH 120 PH 8.0

I put my lights on everyday from around 6-9.

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you may check on this topic as I've written some stuff there before:

If you still have questions please don't hesitate to ask

In addition to all these, they are not being fed enough in stores generally. So When I got my mysterys, I instantly drop a piece of snello I made at home next to them and they directly go eat nonstop.

Algae and fishfood alone are not enough for mystery snail diet. They need calcium and blanched veggies

Also did you drip acclimate your snail? Sometimes I hear them taking much longer time if not drip acclimated. They can be just weak due to not having a proper diet. Or maybe potentially got bullied by tank mates so scared to open up.


Edited by Lennie
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On 2/13/2023 at 10:05 PM, Fishoff said:

I saw a video on crushed egg shells for a snail tank. After prepping a dozen shells crushed them into power. How much do I put into my tank. 

It would totally depend of your water parameters and what do you want them to do. Do you want them to dissolve and increase your kh and calcium content in the water, or just in case your snails wanna nib on them? I use powdered egg shells in my snello recipes, but If I added any to my tanks, they would probably not dissolve, as my ph is 8.0-8.2 and I already have a kh of 19-20. I don't know if snails will graze of them like cuttlebone or anything else, I've never used them directly like that personally. Tbh, I've never seen my snails nibbing on cuttlebones too, except MTS. And cuttlebones dont dissolve in my water too. But there are many people find success with some cuttlebone in their tanks.

Just a warning, I've seen some videos online washing them with dishwasher soap and stuff to prepare the eggshells. Never ever do that :') Hope you didn't.

You may just sprinkle some and maybe see how it goes by keeping the water parameters in check? I would keep it real small and observe closely in case in dissolves, and if it does, it may dissolve fast enough due to being powdery, so you would not want any spike in your water anyway. 

Edited by Lennie
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On 2/13/2023 at 11:05 AM, Fishoff said:

I saw a video on crushed egg shells for a snail tank. After prepping a dozen shells crushed them into power. How much do I put into my tank. 

thank you 

If you crushed them into powder then that would be better off included in some DIY food. I did the egg shell method before but I just placed some broken eggshells in the tank and the snails were grazing on them. It's easier to take them out if needed as opposed to it being in a powder.

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