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Weird red dot on fish


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Hey guys, hope you are doing well.

Today, when I was watching my tank, I’ve noticed something like a red dot on my pygmy cory’s body. I once saw something similar on the tail on my honey gourami months ago, but it disappeared in a couple days. I have never lost a fish in this tank in a year since it has been set up, no new fish addition recently whatsoever, and currently running two established filters in the tank, one HOB and one sponge.

I tested and everything seems good, just like I always have my tank being kept. It was also good back then when my honey gourami had this on its tail. Even nitrates seem to be between 10-20 and tomorrow is the weekly water change day. Even it is a bit on the overstocked side, it is also well seasoned and planted.

here are the picture of my lil cory:


It seemed to me more like a scratch maybe? All i think of is maybe driftwood branches as they love being active around anything.

Just to make sure it is not a disease or whatsoever, I wanted to post it here.

thanks for the help in advance!

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Thanks for the help guys! @TheSwissAquarist @Colu I thought the same.

I've dosed some seachem stressguard to the tank. Assuming it will help if it is just a wound. If I see no progress I will consider salt bath. But last time, it took around 2 days to recover for my honey gourami. I will dose stressguard once again tomorrow.

I wonder how they can be this clumsy. I intentionally avoid any sharp stuff in the tank. Smh :')

I can't dose salt to the tank as I keep rabbit snails and nerites, including shrimp in that tank. So salt bath seems to be the only option but I would not like to stress him further for now.

Hope he gets well soon.

Thanks again,

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