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Albino Geophagus Pyrocephalus (new addition)


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Hello everyone, I’m super stoked to introduce this little guy. I just picked up an albino Geophagus Pyrocephalus (formerly red head tapajos). He is enjoying life in a shoal of 7 other normal Geophagus Pyrocephalus, some Denison barbs, and some angels, and a longfin green dragon pleco. I am awaiting the arrival of a gold Denison barb sometime next week to add to the school of barbs. 
Here are some photos I took this morning. Although he is the smallest, he is by far the most outgoing. When the others seek shelter, he just derps around, it’s quite hysterical. Thanks for reading. 






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@Fish Folk I knew most people probably weren’t aware of these guys, but those that are, become enamored instantly. I would venture to say he is the most outgoing in the tank. He has geo’s triple its size, and it doesn’t seem to phase him. Almost like he always has to be in the middle of whatever is going on in there. It’s pretty remarkable and I highly recommend these guys. 

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