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New Honey Gourami Flashing, White Poop?

Knitty Smalls

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Hey all-

New here, and new to community tanks. Recently went to Aquarium Co-Op on Tuesday and picked up a new honey gourami and eight emerald eye rasboras. On Wednesday evening I noticed the gourami was flashing on some plants, not wanting to eat, being shy (he did biuld an insane bubble nest though). I tested my water and everything was within normal limits, I thought he was just adjusting to the new tank. 

However, tonight I saw him flashing again and some white poop (?) floated up to the surface. I thought it was a worm but when I pulled it out of the tank it was just kind of mucous-like and disintegrated. He still hasn't eaten, just spits pellets out. The rasboras seem unaffected. I'm not too familiar with gourami, but does this sound like parasites?

Tank: 10 gallon

  • pH- 6.8-7.2
  • Nitrates: 10-20ppm
  • Hardness: 150
  • Nitrite: 0 ppm
  • Ammonia: 0ppm
  • KH/Buffer: 80
  • Water Temperature: 77-78
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On 1/7/2023 at 2:55 PM, Colu said:

Paracleanse and general cure have the same active ingredients praziquantel and metronidazole 

Thanks, I appreciate it. Gourami (Pisco) and company are doing well today with no signs of illness, but I was able to pick up some ParaCleanse and Expel-P from our LFS amazingly. I think I'll hold off on medicating until the tank get really settled in and I can really pin down more overt symptoms. Are these medications harmful to my beneficial bacteria? I know Metronidazole in humans also has antibiotic properties as well as antiprotozoal. 

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I haven't had any impact on my benefial bacteria when using levamisole praziquantel or metronidazole I can't give a 100% guarantee that it won't harm your benefial bacteria also if you notice your fish developing other symptoms such as sunken belly listlessness hanging near the surface rapid breathing alongside spitting food out than would start treatment @knittysmalls

Edited by Colu
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