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guppy fins part 2 , another guppy issue

SC Fish

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i cant get a solid image at all so sorry

the guppy (different to last) is at the top of the tank and has its right fin not moving at all. it almost looks stiff, its left fin is paddling and moving fine.

what could the issue be?


should mention that this guppy is getting bullied

Edited by SC Fish
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Nothing worse than coming home and everything seeming off 

Please do a water change, (I know you have limited testing) but a water change will reduce anything nasty in water and add lots of O2.

Hopefully now you are home and able to fuss you can get them back to being happy fish.

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I don't remember if this was addressed in the other post but what's your parameters?

I would remove this fish in a tank with salt. 

Is it kinda wobbling? Like trying to swim and rowing back and forth but not going anywhere? 

Again I apologize I don't remember reading from the other post but how many guppies do you have? How many males and how many females?  It sounds like you might have some aggression issues going on that need to be resolved and that is where to start for that. 

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On 1/4/2023 at 9:06 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Might've hit the lid?

I dont have a lid. I use a net to cover the tank

On 1/4/2023 at 12:09 AM, Flumpweesel said:

Nothing worse than coming home and everything seeming off 

Please do a water change, (I know you have limited testing) but a water change will reduce anything nasty in water and add lots of O2.

Hopefully now you are home and able to fuss you can get them back to being happy fish.

Hello. Thanks for the reply . I am indeed home and did do a 40% water change. 

On 1/4/2023 at 10:12 AM, Cinnebuns said:

I don't remember if this was addressed in the other post but what's your parameters?

I would remove this fish in a tank with salt. 

Is it kinda wobbling? Like trying to swim and rowing back and forth but not going anywhere? 

Again I apologize I don't remember reading from the other post but how many guppies do you have? How many males and how many females?  It sounds like you might have some aggression issues going on that need to be resolved and that is where to start for that. 

I have 4 fancy guppys and 3 endlers. All are male

They are housed with 2 male platys  and 7 neon tetras

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On 1/5/2023 at 2:08 AM, SC Fish said:

I dont have a lid. I use a net to cover the tank

Hello. Thanks for the reply . I am indeed home and did do a 40% water change. 

I have 4 fancy guppys and 3 endlers. All are male

They are housed with 2 male platys  and 7 neon tetras

This will all be a copy paste i use so please ignore if some of it has been gone over. I just end up telling people this a lot so i made a thing i could copy paste lol. 

All male groups do work but only under specific conditions. Of course, as always, each fish's personality is different and therefore each situation is unique. 

1.  A group of 6 or more - This is to spread out aggression. You cannot eliminate aggression but you can help increase the odds that they won't all pick on one over and over. 

2.  Give them enough space - A crowded, overstocked tank will stress them out and cause them to fight more. Make sure there is moving room for them. A 10 gallon is a suggested minimum for a group of males. 

3.  Providing hiding places and breaking line of sight - If a fish is being chased it helps him get away if he can break his pursuers line of sight. It also helps to have hiding places to get away. Decor and plants, either live or fake, can be an excellent choice for this. 

4.  Watch for signs of excessive bullying and aggression - sometimes you just have one jerk who ruins it for everyone. If you notice something is off, observe them for awhile. Once you have identified who the aggressive one is, seperate him from the group for awhile. You may try to reintroduce him later. Be aware you may have to remove him several times before he gets his act together. 

Things to watch for in a male guppy group:
-  In all guppies black eyes can be a sign of stress 
-  Males tend to pick on the pretty, long tailed, and flamboyant males
-  Constant hiding
-  Shredding of tails (could also be fin rot)
-  More aggressive fighting. 
- One male getting the brunt of the aggression or one male doing most of the aggression.

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