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Blue/gold gourami tank mates.


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I do not yet have this set up but am hoping to at some point set up a 75g tank with blue/gold gourami (same sp different colours). I was wondering what could go with them and how many gourami would be best to reduce any aggression? Would one gourami be best or a pair/trio or group? Could they live with cherry barbs and rummynose tetras or would a different schooling fish be better? Also I would assume Cory catfish would be ok since they primarily inhabit the bottom and the gourami would be up higher?  I know this is early as I probably won’t be able to do it for months maybe closer to a year, just like to plan things out with research and couldn’t find a real good answer from my searches and would appreciate the opinions of people who have experience with gourami especially the noted blue/gold variety as I have heard they can be more aggressive than others. My plan would include a fair number of low tech plants, with hopefully jungle val and/or some other taller plants to brake up sight lines.

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Taken off seriouslyfish.com :

Behaviour and Compatibility

While often recommended as a community fish this is not always so. Some individuals can become very spiteful as they mature, while others remain peaceful. Males are territorial and will squabble amongst themselves, becoming very aggressive when breeding. It is best kept with robust fish such as barbs, larger characins, loricariids, loaches and other medium/large gouramis.

And how to sex the males: 

Sexual Dimorphism

The male is larger and develops a pointed dorsal fin. The female is smaller and rounder in the belly.

On 1/1/2023 at 7:17 PM, Jenna said:

cherry barbs

Those should be good

On 1/1/2023 at 7:17 PM, Jenna said:

rummynose tetras

Would they count as a 'larger characin'?

On 1/1/2023 at 7:17 PM, Jenna said:

Cory catfish would be ok since they primarily inhabit the bottom and the gourami would be up higher?

Could work; I would recommend C.Hastatus or C. Habrosus, since they mostly keep themselves to themselves and I've done them with bettas before. 

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