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Low Tech Planted 150G


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Started this tank in early Nov, all the plants from ACO.  Have a couple year old 55G planted tanks and this is my largest attempt.

Crypt spirals is putting on nice growth, some are pushing 16”- 18” tall, Crypt wendtii starting to fill in nicely too, going for a carpet of it. Val isn’t putting in much growth at all, very green though, it is in a lower light area.  Aponogeton crispus (2), the one directly under the light is growing well (12”) but the one I. The back is only 4” tall.  The lone sword starting to grow nicely too.

Decided to order some more C spiralis and fill in the back, moved a few things around. A dwarf aquarium lily bulb didn’t wake up but a Tiger lotus grew nicely, moved it to the front and there were 3 plantlets.

No algae growth so far, been Doing 50% water changes weekly so far but decided to step back on that, nitrates havent Been over 5-10 ppm, been dosing 8-10 pumps of easy green every water change and phosphates are 0.5 ppm whenever I measure. (Not sure if this is the right measuring stick for this, but just trying to keep phosphates under 1 and was hoping for nitrates in the 20 ppm range)

24 Odessa barbs that have put on some nice growth, starting to show hints of color, can’t tell males and females apart yet. 6 Pearl gourami are coloring up nicely. I added 11 very young Boesmani rainbows about 10 days ago.










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Nice scrape you can't go wrong with pearl gourami's or Odessa barbs they color up really well as they start to put on some size I would recommend adding some floating plants for the Pearl gourami's 

Edited by Colu
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  • 6 months later...

8 month update. Java fern and Aponogeton are both growing like crazy, the C spiralis and C wendtii are growing pretty good, sending some runners and just the Val has been somewhat sluggish (sends out runners but tops out at 4-5” for the most part.

Algae hasn’t been much of an issue, 75% weekly water changes with 10 pumps of easy green weekly.


was a bit bored with the stocking so added a chocolate cichlid, blue acara, and an angel.


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  • 2 months later...

Cut one of the Aponogeton Crispus down right close to the substrate last week (wish I took a pic before) and there are already 3 leaves 10” .  It had take. Over a solid 1/3 of the surface of the tank.  Everything still growing well, val are still maxed out at 8”, not sure why, guessing cause of the PFS, I still dose 15 pumps of easy green weekly and occasionally root tabs.  They have spread with dozens of runners though, as have crypt Spiralis throughout the tank.








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