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Gourami with possible ich


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20 gal long aquarium had them for 1 week yesterday. Littlest one has spots. I noticed a few of them upon watching her closely but not sure they weren’t there when I got them, no others have any spots. Added 2 Tbls. Of aquarium salt then did 25% WC yesterday. Amm 0, PH2 0, NO3 10, GH 15 , KH 15, PH steady 8.4, temp is currently 81. Question is should I continue to watch them providing no more spots appear and assume its stress ich? Or treat for ich? She may be the only female when I thought the 3 of them were all females as I wanted to add them with my big male in the community. Thanks for any insight on adding the fish together or the ich. The bigger fish is the one in question. Is it male or female? I know the rule about the dorsal fins but they are still young so hard to determine. Thanks 



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It's difficult to see the spots in your picture if you suspect ich I would start treating with ick x keep keep the salt at 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss the salt will add essential electrolytes straight away and treat for three days after you see the last spots @TKostecki

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