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40g conversion


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   Our oldest tank is a 40g breeder community tank. We have Mollies, Platys, neon tetras, various Corydoras, and mystery snails. For over a year, it's only had plastic plants, no gravel. We've been adding some of our 'left-over' plants lately while we rescape the smaller ones, so I'm considering turning it into a planted tank. We have 4 other planted tanks (2 20s, 2 10s). How big of an undertaking would this be, and why are we (aquarists) like this?? lol



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It depends on what plant you want to do. You could add gravel and do something like Vallisneria which would grow very quickly, you could try something like Anubias and Java Fern, and glue it to decor. You could just  float stem plants like Water Sprite, and Brazilian Pennywort. It really depends on your preferences. In general adding gravel isnt to much of a pain. 

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It’s as big or small of a project as you make it. You can simply start planting plants and let them grow or you can pull everything out replace with different substrate and hardscape and do a full design. 
Im the just plant stuff type so it’s a few minutes here and there or half an hour if I’m planting the entire tank. 

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