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Red mark, injury or disease on rainbow?


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Id like to get an opinion on what this is on this female Dority rainbows fin.  How this started is I thought I saw fungus on a male rainbow M. Splendida which I have a pic of below.  I also thought it might have just rubbed some scum from a plastic plant.  Then I found a male Dority dead which may be unrelated but it got me worried. I also noticed this mark on this female when I was looking over everyone.

That was Dec 9 (so 8 days ago). The main tank inhabitants seem fine. I don't see anything concerning on them. I've done 3 water changes on that tank. That tank has two clown loaches that I've had since 1995 and rainbowfish I got in 2018.  No problems other than some fish dying over the years, including a pleco that died in Sept (I assume from old age bc I had that fish also from 1995).

I did receive a bunch of fish that are I quarantine a week prior to this.  That tank is on the other side of the room and I'm careful not to cross contaminate but anything is possible. Like I'll literally wait a day and shower in between water changes. Two fish in that new group quarantine had damaged lips and are in salt treatment and they look better now. Lips are almost fully healed.

These two rainbows from my main tank have been in QT in a 10g for about 8 days. First 3-4 days with 1 tablespoon per gallon, and 4 days with 2 tbpn. Just did a 50% water change and put 4 tablespoons in so salt is a little more concentrated now.

I thought this might be some disease but it could have also ran into something as rainbows often run into stuff.  

Water Parameters:

  • pH. 6.8
  • Nitrates 10 (well half now as I water changed 50% after I tested)
  • Hardness 300
  • Nitrite 0
  • Ammonia 0
  • KH/Buffer 40
  • Water Temperature 71


The top two pics are pics of the female that were taken today. Bottom two shows what I initially was worried about with male M. Splendida Dec 9.  When I netted him out, whatever that was came off during the transfer as can be seen in the bottom pic. He looks fine since then and no visible signs of any possible disease on him.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.  








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Possible injury but with the redness on the back I couldn't rule out a bacterial infection I would recommend treating with salt as you have clown loach they are sensitive to salt what I would do is a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days just in case something else is going on especially with fact that you have had some recent unexplained deaths 


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On 12/18/2022 at 4:36 PM, Colu said:

Possible injury but with the redness on the back I couldn't rule out a bacterial infection I would recommend treating with salt as you have clown loach they are sensitive to salt what I would do is a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days just in case something else is going on especially with fact that you have had some recent unexplained deaths 


Are you feeling any better? You mentioned being a bit under the weather yesterday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the responses. I was hoping it was just damage from running into something which my rainbows have done several times a year.  Two years ago, one really looked like he smashed into something with hump but he recovered with just water changes.


I found this post here with a goldfish that people thought appeared to just have red in fins from running into something


I slowly changed out the salt about 5-7 days after I posted this.  The mark hasn't spread. Looks like it's permanent. Fish don't show any signs of any issues other than that and being stressed as I describe in the next paragraph.

Do you think I can just move these two back. They seem fine other than being stressed in this tiny tank. I've actually been keeping it covered bc they look fine when I cover most of the front. When I take towels off, they seem stressed and stay at bottom of tank. When I cover and take a sneak peak later, they seem to act normally.

Just took these pics nowPXL_20221231_221344002_MP.jpg.2081ef9cd42f041101380196117a8483.jpg


The male rainbow that's been in here looks perfectly fine.  Nothing since whatever was on his back came off when I moved these two over.


It's been about two weeks since my original post. I assume if this week an infection, they would have gotten worse?  What a plan of action for returning them to main tank?  



Edited by Cardeater
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just decided to put them back. I think it's just damage from running into something. Mark still remains the same.  I think the male got a damaged swim bladder from me transferring him over or from running into the sides of the tank, which I saw him several times when I would try to get a close look at them.

I suspected this bc he stayed at bottom of the tank (still upright though) and swam sort of diagonally oriented up. It was obvious when I put him in display so I put him back in QT.

Im trying putting Epson salt treatment but my experience in the past is that these swim bladder problems usually don't fix themselves. I did have on praecox that seemed to have a swim bladder issue that lived a year.  Swim bladder for better but she swam a little diagonal but was able to eat and live for awhile.

Im gonna keep a close eye on this female that I out back everyday but she seems fine so far.

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