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New 55 gallon mostly Walstad tank has gone cloudy. What should I do?


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@Streetwise  and anyone else doing dirt tanks, please take a look at this.

My new 55 gallon, mostly Walstad tank style, was built about a week ago.  It has slowly been getting cloudier, I would say the color is whitish, like a like fog.  Is this normal and I just wait it out, or is this something that needs treating? (I will add a photo.) 

Water Parms:

Nitrate = 10 ppm

Nitrite = 0 ppm

Hardness = 25 ppm

Buffer (KH) = 100 ppm 

pH = 7.2

Lots of plants, some still planted, some replanted (due  to corys and loaches), others still floating or in pots.

I put mesh bags of organic soil on the left, and loose soil on the right side and capped with larger black sand. I added 1 large Wonder shell after the pH got close to 7.0

The tank is stocked with peppered corys (2 adult, 9 small), 9 adult neon tetras, 1 male betta, snails and a few scuds and 6 black kuhli loaches (loaches added over the last 3 days as I could catch them from the other tanks) The fish seem happy and normal. The betta is sitting on the bottom hunting scuds under the java moss. I moved the moss and the betta followed, twice. He also swims near the top a lot when I get close to the tank.

I have been feeding lightly: sinking pellets for the corys and Xtreme nano for the neon tetras, and Bug Bites pellets for the betta 

There is a heater set at 75f, an air stone, a large sponge filter and an HOB (The betta will move to a warning tank as soon as I can.)

What do you think? Does it just need to sit and cycle some more? Does it need something added?

On my shelf I have: Equilibrium, Easy Green, ACO root tabs, Turbo Start 700 (in fridge), Complete, Ultimate, Stress Coat, Acid buffer, Alkaline Buffer, and probably a few other things I can not bring to mind. I haven't added these things, but I do have them on hand.

What should I do at this point?

Edited by KittenFishMom
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