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Fish Rack Price Game (Hopefully fun)


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I've seen some of these types of things where you're given a budget and have to pick stuff in a graphic.  Let's make one for a fish rack!

You magically wake up and the fish wizard gives you a riddle to solve.  The fish wizard explains that you can have and keep the shiny new rack of tanks, but you have to decide what you want right now!  You are given a series of choices.  The fish wizard explains, you cannot spend over 650 magic points because their powers are almost used up for the day.  "Choose wisely," the fish wizard advises.

You turn to the wall in your room and you see a shiny new rack for tanks sitting there.  The options are endless, but you ponder what would make sense for you.  The rack has two shelves awaiting your choices.

Tank Sizes
6x 10G tanks per shelf - 50 MP
4x 20L tanks per shelf - 100 MP
1x 75G tank per shelf - 150 MP

Lights (entire rack)
Shop Lights - 10 MP
Planted Lights - 100 MP
Fancy Lights - 200 MP

4x Sponge Filters - 10 MP
4x Hang-on Back Filters - 40 MP
1x Canister Filter - 150 MP

Hardscape (per tank):
Mopani - 5 MP
Manzanita - 10 MP
Ghostwood - 10 MP
Malaysian Driftwood - 5 MP
Seiryu Stone - 20 MP
Ohko Stone - 20 MP
River Rock - 10 MP
Mountain Stone - 15 MP
Lava Rock - 10 MP

Moss - 1 MP
Anubias - 1 MP
Fancy Anubias - 20 MP
Java Fern - 1 MP
Bacopa Caroliniana - 3 MP
S. Repens - 5 MP
Dwarf Hairgrass - 5 MP
Jungle Val - 3 MP
Amazon Sword - 5 MP
bucephalandra - 5 MP
Fancy Buce - 20 MP
Crypt Pink Flamingo - 10 MP
Dwarf Lily - 1 MP
Special Order Plant - 30 MP

Inhabitants (per item):
Bladder Snails - 0 MP
Nerite Snails - 1 MP
Ramshorn Snails - 2 MP
Amano Shrimp - 3 MP
Fancy Shrimp - 10 MP
Corydoras - 3 MP
Fancy Corydoras - 20 MP
Pygmy Corydoras - 1 MP
Shell Dwellers - 3 MP
Betta - 1 MP
Fancy Betta - 10 MP
Fancy Goldfish - 5 MP
Discus - 15 MP
Angelfish - 5 MP
Bolivian Ram - 5 MP
Dark Night Ram - 10 MP
Bristlenose Pleco - 5 MP
Clown Pleco - 5 MP
Fancy Pleco - 50 MP
Tetra - 3 MP
Rasbora - 3 MP
Barb - 3 MP
White Clouds - 3 MP
Rainbowfish - 5 MP
Oscar Fish - 5 MP
Red-Tailed Black Shark - 5 MP
Rainbow Shark - 5 MP
True Saimese Algae Eater - 5 MP
Special Order Fish - 30 MP

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On 11/25/2022 at 12:30 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Do the inhabitants have to coexist peacefully? 
A shoal of Red Tail sharks would be as cool as heck!

I definitely wouldn't try a group in a 20L 😂

I get the feeling the fish wizard can decide whatever they want will or won't work.

I had 3-4 SAEs and a RTBS in my 75.  They did fine. They figured it out.  Just have a lot of caves.

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Top Rack:
75G - 150 MP
Canister - 150 MP
Seiryu Stone - 20 MP
Manzanita - 10 MP
Fancy Buce - 20 MP
DHG - 5 MP (probably x1,000,000)
Fancy Anubias - 20 MP
Bacopa Caroliniana - 3 MP
Special order, fancy stems - 30 MP

Bottom Rack:
4x 20L Aquariums - 100 MP
4x Sponge Filters - 10 MP
3x Lava Rock - 30 MP
1x Moss - 1 MP
1x Anubias - 1 MP
1x Fancy Anubias - 20 MP
1x Ohko Stone - 20 MP
2x Ghostwood - 20 MP

Stocking (bottom rack)
1 tank = spare tank for greenwater / amano breeding
1 tank = Fancy Shrimp
-10 MP
1 tank = Fancy Corydoras, fancy pleco
-20 MP
1 tank = Dark Night Rams
-10 MP

Total: 650 MP

I guess I get to grow out the fish a little while, I don't have any amanos, and the top tank is empty minus plants. LOL.

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